Google Cloud Build

This document explains how to set up ClusterFuzzLite on Google Cloud Build (GCB). This document assumes the reader has set up builds using GCB before. Documentation on using GCB is available here. To get the most of this page, you should have already set up your build integration and read the more high-level document on running ClusterFuzzLite. This document also assumes your code is hosted on GitHub, but it should be mostly applicable if your code is hosted elsewhere.

We recommend having separate workflow files for each part of ClusterFuzzLite:

  • .clusterfuzzlite/cflite_build.yml (for building/continuous fuzzing)
  • .clusterfuzzlite/cflite_pr.yml (for code change (pull request) fuzzing)
  • .clusterfuzzlite/cflite_batch.yml (for batch fuzzing)
  • .clusterfuzzlite/cflite_prune.yml (for corpus pruning)
  • .clusterfuzzlite/cflite_coverage.yml (for coverage reports)

First, you must create a Google Cloud Storage Bucket. This will be refered to as <your-cloud-bucket> in the config examples in this document. The bucket will be used to store crashes, builds, corpora, and coverage reports. You will also need to set the REPOSITORY environment variable. The value for REPOSITORY will be denoted by <your-repo-name> in this document. Note that this must be the same as the directory in /src where your project’s code is located. Also note that the configuration examples set the environment variable: CFL_PLATFORM this value is general for all GCB users. Do not change it.

Continuous builds

Continuous builds are used whenever a crash is found during code change fuzzing to determine if this crash was newly introduced.

Add the following to .clusterfuzzlite/cflite_build.yml:

  - name:
      - 'CLOUD_BUCKET=<your-cloud-bucket>'
      - 'REPOSITORY=<your-repo-name>'
      - 'SANITIZER=address' # This can be changed to other sanitizers you use.
      - 'LANGUAGE=c++' # Change this to your project's language.
      - 'UPLOAD_BUILD=True'
      - 'CFL_PLATFORM=gcb'

Set up a trigger to run this job using the console. Select the “Push to a branch” event and select your repo’s main branch. This trigger will cause a build to be saved for each commit to your repo’s main branch.

Code change fuzzing

To add a fuzzing workflow that runs on all pull requests to your project, add the following to .clusterfuzzlite/cflite_pr.yml:

  - name:
      - 'CLOUD_BUCKET=<your-cloud-bucket>'
      - 'REPOSITORY=<your-repo-name>'
      - 'SANITIZER=address' # This can be changed to other sanitizers you use.
      - 'LANGUAGE=c++' # Change this to your project's language.
      - 'CFL_PLATFORM=gcb'

  - name:
      - 'CLOUD_BUCKET=<your-cloud-bucket>'
      - 'REPOSITORY=<your-repo-name>'
      - 'LANGUAGE=c++' # Change this to your project's language.
      - 'CFL_PLATFORM=gcb'

Set up a trigger to run this workflow on the “pull request” event so that it can fuzz code changes when they are in review. You can set the FUZZ_SECONDS value when running the fuzzers to change the amount of time ClusterFuzzLite will fuzz PRs for.

Batch fuzzing

To enable batch fuzzing, add the following to .clusterfuzzlite/cflite_batch.yml:

This can be run on either pushes to your default branch, but we recommend running it on a cron schedule.

  - name:
      - 'CLOUD_BUCKET=<your-cloud-bucket>'
      - 'REPOSITORY=<your-repo-name>'
      - 'SANITIZER=address' # This can be changed to other sanitizers you use.
      - 'LANGUAGE=c++' # Change this to your project's language.
      - 'CFL_PLATFORM=gcb'

  - name:
      - 'CLOUD_BUCKET=<your-cloud-bucket>'
      - 'REPOSITORY=<your-repo-name>'
      - 'SANITIZER=address' # This can be changed to other sanitizers you use.
      - 'LANGUAGE=c++' # Change this to your project's language.
      - 'CFL_PLATFORM=gcb'
      - 'MODE=batch
      - 'FUZZ_SECONDS=3600'  # You can change this to a value you prefer.

Set up a trigger that runs this workflow manually. Then follow the documentation on making the workflow run on a schedule.

You can set the FUZZ_SECONDS value when running the fuzzers to change the amount of time ClusterFuzzLite will fuzz PRs for.

Corpus pruning

Corpus pruning minimizes a corpus by removing redundant items while keeping the same code coverage. To enable this, add the following to .clusterfuzzlite/cflite_cron.yml:

  - name:
      - 'CLOUD_BUCKET=<your-cloud-bucket>'
      - 'REPOSITORY=<your-repo-name>'
      - 'SANITIZER=address' # This can be changed to other sanitizers you use.
      - 'LANGUAGE=c++' # Change this to your project's language.
      - 'CFL_PLATFORM=gcb'

  - name:
      - 'CLOUD_BUCKET=<your-cloud-bucket>'
      - 'REPOSITORY=<your-repo-name>'
      - 'SANITIZER=address' # This can be changed to other sanitizers you use.
      - 'LANGUAGE=c++' # Change this to your project's language.
      - 'CFL_PLATFORM=gcb'
      - 'MODE=prune'

Coverage reports

Periodic coverage reports can also be generated using the latest corpus. To enable this, add the following to .clusterfuzzlite/cflite_coverage.yml:

  - name:
      - 'CLOUD_BUCKET=<your-cloud-bucket>'
      - 'REPOSITORY=<your-repo-name>'
      - 'LANGUAGE=c++' # Change this to your project's language.
      - 'SANITIZER=coverage'
      - 'CFL_PLATFORM=gcb'

  - name:
      - 'CLOUD_BUCKET=<your-cloud-bucket>'
      - 'REPOSITORY=<your-repo-name>'
      - 'LANGUAGE=c++' # Change this to your project's language.
      - 'MODE=coverage
      - 'SANITIZER=coverage'
      - 'CFL_PLATFORM=gcb'

To run this workflow periodically: set up a trigger that runs this workflow manually. Then follow the documentation on making the workflow run on a schedule. We recommend scheduling coverage reports to run once a day.

Viewing crashes

Google Cloud Build does not offer an easy way to download files associated with a build. Therefore, to download crashes that were found by ClusterFuzzLite, inspect the logs to find the name of the crash file and then download it from <your-cloud-bucket>/crashes/<fuzzer>/<sanitizer>/<crash-file> where <crash-file> is the name of the crashing input that was found by ClusterFuzzLite, <fuzzer> is the fuzzer that found the crashing input, and <sanitizer> is the sanitizer used to find the crash. Note that these files can be downloaded using a web browser by nagivating to<your-cloud-bucket-without-gs>/crashes/<fuzzer>/<sanitizer> Where <your-cloud-bucket-without-gs> is <your-cloud-bucket> without gs:// at the beginning. For example, if <your-cloud-bucket> is gs://clusterfuzzlite-storage, then <your-cloud-bucket-without-gs> is clusterfuzzlite-storage.

Testing it Out

You can test each of the workflows by triggering the builds manually either using the web interface or on the command line using gcloud. gcloud can either be used to submit the build to run on Google Cloud, or you can simulate the build locally using cloud-build-local. If you want to submit the builds to run on Google Cloud manually, please create an empty file named .gcloudignore in the root of your repository or see this github issue because Google Cloud Build will not by default include the .git folder of your repository for manually submitted builds.

Storage Layout

Artifacts produced by ClusterFuzzLite are stored in <your-cloud-bucket>. The bucket has the following layout.

  • Crashes:
    • <your-cloud-bucket>/crashes/<fuzzer>/<sanitizer>/<crash-file>
    • <your-cloud-bucket>/crashes/<fuzzer>/<sanitizer>/<crash-file>.summary (output from crash).
  • Coverage report: <your-cloud-bucket>/coverage/latest/report/linux/index.html
  • Corpora: <your-cloud-bucket>/corpus/<fuzzer>/
  • Builds: <your-cloud-bucket>/build/<sanitizer>-<commit>/ Note that the bucket can be explored using a web browser by navigating to:<your-cloud-bucket-without-gs> Where <your-cloud-bucket-without-gs> is <your-cloud-bucket> without gs:// at the beginning. For example, if <your-cloud-bucket> is gs://clusterfuzzlite-storage, then <your-cloud-bucket-without-gs> is clusterfuzzlite-storage.