Try Konvertierungen

The effective expansion of ? is a little more complicated than previously indicated:


works the same as

match expression { Ok(value) => value, Err(err) => return Err(From::from(err)), }

The From::from call here means we attempt to convert the error type to the type returned by the function. This makes it easy to encapsulate errors into higher-level errors.



Speaker Notes

This slide should take about 5 minutes.

The ? operator must return a value compatible with the return type of the function. For Result, it means that the error types have to be compatible. A function that returns Result<T, ErrorOuter> can only use ? on a value of type Result<U, ErrorInner> if ErrorOuter and ErrorInner are the same type or if ErrorOuter implements From<ErrorInner>.

A common alternative to a From implementation is Result::map_err, especially when the conversion only happens in one place.

There is no compatibility requirement for Option. A function returning Option<T> can use the ? operator on Option<U> for arbitrary T and U types.

A function that returns Result cannot use ? on Option and vice versa. However, Option::ok_or converts Option to Result whereas Result::ok turns Result into Option.