
You’re working on implementing a health-monitoring system. As part of that, you need to keep track of users’ health statistics.

You’ll start with a stubbed function in an impl block as well as a User struct definition. Your goal is to implement the stubbed out method on the User struct defined in the impl block.

Copy the code below to and fill in the missing method:

// TODO: remove this when you're done with your implementation.
#![allow(unused_variables, dead_code)]

pub struct User {
    name: String,
    age: u32,
    height: f32,
    visit_count: usize,
    last_blood_pressure: Option<(u32, u32)>,

pub struct Measurements {
    height: f32,
    blood_pressure: (u32, u32),

pub struct HealthReport<'a> {
    patient_name: &'a str,
    visit_count: u32,
    height_change: f32,
    blood_pressure_change: Option<(i32, i32)>,

impl User {
    pub fn new(name: String, age: u32, height: f32) -> Self {
        Self { name, age, height, visit_count: 0, last_blood_pressure: None }

    pub fn visit_doctor(&mut self, measurements: Measurements) -> HealthReport {
        todo!("Update a user's statistics based on measurements from a visit to the doctor")

fn main() {
    let bob = User::new(String::from("Bob"), 32, 155.2);
    println!("I'm {} and my age is {}",, bob.age);

fn test_visit() {
    let mut bob = User::new(String::from("Bob"), 32, 155.2);
    assert_eq!(bob.visit_count, 0);
    let report =
        bob.visit_doctor(Measurements { height: 156.1, blood_pressure: (120, 80) });
    assert_eq!(report.patient_name, "Bob");
    assert_eq!(report.visit_count, 1);
    assert_eq!(report.blood_pressure_change, None);
    assert!((report.height_change - 0.9).abs() < 0.00001);

    let report =
        bob.visit_doctor(Measurements { height: 156.1, blood_pressure: (115, 76) });

    assert_eq!(report.visit_count, 2);
    assert_eq!(report.blood_pressure_change, Some((-5, -4)));
    assert_eq!(report.height_change, 0.0);