Autres ressources Rust

The Rust community has created a wealth of high-quality and free resources online.

Official Documentation

The Rust project hosts many resources. These cover Rust in general:

  • The Rust Programming Language: the canonical free book about Rust. Covers the language in detail and includes a few projects for people to build.
  • Rust By Example : couvre la syntaxe de Rust via une série d'exemples qui présentent différentes constructions. Parfois comprend de petits exercices où l'on vous demande de développer le code de l'exemple.
  • Rust Standard Library: full documentation of the standard library for Rust.
  • The Rust Reference: an incomplete book which describes the Rust grammar and memory model.

More specialized guides hosted on the official Rust site:

  • The Rustonomicon : couvre le Rust non securisé (unsafe), y compris les pointeurs nus et l'interfaçage avec d'autres langages (FFI).
  • Programmation asynchrone avec Rust : couvre le nouveau modèle de programmation asynchrone qui a été introduit après la publication du livre Rust.
  • The Embedded Rust Book: an introduction to using Rust on embedded devices without an operating system.

Unofficial Learning Material

A small selection of other guides and tutorial for Rust:

  • Learn Rust the Dangerous Way: covers Rust from the perspective of low-level C programmers.
  • [Rust pour Programmeurs C Embarqué] ( : couvre Rust du point de vue des développeurs qui écrivent des firmwares en C.
  • Rust for professionals: covers the syntax of Rust using side-by-side comparisons with other languages such as C, C++, Java, JavaScript, and Python.
  • Rust on Exercism: 100+ exercises to help you learn Rust.
  • [Matériel de Ferrous Teaching] ( : un série de petites présentations couvrant à la fois la partie de base et avancée de Rust. D'autres sujets tels que WebAssembly et async/wait sont également couvert.
  • Beginner's Series to Rust and Take your first steps with Rust: two Rust guides aimed at new developers. The first is a set of 35 videos and the second is a set of 11 modules which covers Rust syntax and basic constructs.
  • Learn Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists: in-depth exploration of Rust's memory management rules, through implementing a few different types of list structures.

Please see the Little Book of Rust Books for even more Rust books.