Exposure Notification Reference Key Server

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Getting Started

    How to Deploy
    Application Configuration
    How to Publish Keys
    How to Download Keys
    Key Server Migration Guide
    Estimating the Cost of Deployment


    Server Deployment Options
    Server Functional Requirements
    Verification Protocol Design
    API Definitions

Application Configuration

Here we explain how to configure both severs for a client application so that it works end-to-end.

We will assume that the application has been deployed at exposure-notifications-test.org, but you will want to substitute that with the domain name that you have registered for this purpose. We will also be configuring an application in the fictional jurisdiction of Magrathea (with fake ISO code MAG).

Before You Begin

This guide assumes that you have deployed both the key server and verification server to Google Cloud Platform in our chosen region, in two separate projects.

If you haven’t yet deployed the servers, you can follow the deployment guides.

Starting from that point, this will direct you to everything that is needed to configure a verification server realm, define admission to the key sever, generate exports, and share a public key for those exports with Apple and Google.

Configure Verification Server Realm

Admin User

First, make sure you have bootstrapped the system by logging in AND creating an additional system admin account that represents a real user and deleting the bootstrap (super@example.com) account.

Create Realm

Follow the verification admin guide for creating a new realm.

When creating the realm, be sure to:

Sample New Realm

When you create the realm, you will automatically join it.

Go to the realm’s settings, and we’ll continue the configuration.

realm settings

Configure Realm

These are the recommended settings in tha general realm configuration, you are free to deviate from this.

Signing Keys

Navigate to the signing keys screen.

signing keys menu

Follow the realm admin guide to enable automatic rotation

Click on the View public discovery link and note the URL for thw JWKS document. You will need this URL later.

For this example, our Magrathea URL is https://exposure-notifications-test.org/jwks/8

Configure the Key Server

For this section, you will need to first:

Connect to the Admin Console

As part of the standard terraform deployment, the key sever has an admin console that is used to configure the system.

Navigate to the Google Cloud console and select your key server project.

Navigate to the Cloud Run section and select your admin-console service.

admin-console service

There will be a URL for the admin console (ending in a.run.app). Open a command line terminal on your laptop/workstation. Log into Google cloud and start the cloud-run-proxy.

❯ gcloud auth login && gcloud auth application-default login
❯ cloud-run-proxy --host https://YOUR-SERVICE_URL.a.run.app proxies to https://YOUR-SERVICE_URL.a.run.app

Open a browser to http://localhost:8080

Admission Control

The first step is making sure your application can publish temporary exposure keys to the key server.

Create a Verification Key

Click on the New Verification Key button.

Fill out the form as follows, use the information from earlier steps.

New Verification Key

Click ‘Save changes’

If successful, click Home in the navigation menu and wait 5 minutes.

Then click into the verification key for your locale and you should see the public key is now present. For example, this is our public key after being imported.

New Verification Key

Once confirmed, click Home in the navigation menu.

Create Authorized Health Authority

Click on the New Authorized Health Authority button.

Press the Save Changes button when done. And then press Home in the navigation bar.

New Authorized Health Authority

Export Configuration

The next step is to create an export file for consumption by your application out in the field. This involves 2 steps, creating and configuring the export signing key and then configuring the export.

We will be using both the Google Cloud console and and the key server admin console (using the cloud-run-proxy from the previous section).

Signing Key Configuration

In the Google cloud console, navigate to -> Security -> Cryptographic Keys.

Here you will seen a keyring called export-signing that was created as part of the server deployment. Click on the name of the key ring to view the keys.

As part of the deployment, there is a key created called signer. You are free to use this as your signing key or create a new one. If you create a new key it must be an asymmetric signing key if type Elliptic Curve P-256 key SHA256 Digest. The use of HSM level protection is recommended, but not required.

Click into the key that you are using.

View of signer key

Click the 3 dots menu and select copy resource name.

Resource name

It will be of the form projects/PROJECT-ID/locations/REGION/keyRings/export-signing/cryptoKeys/KEY-NAME/cryptoKeyVersions/1. You will need this value later.

Under that same menu, you will see the Get Public Key option. Use that option to get the public key that needs to be shared with Apple/Google.

Change over to the admin console, which should still be at localhost:8080.

Press the Create New Signature Info button and fill out the form

Press save changes and once created, press Home in the navigation menu.

For Apple/Google to activate your public key on devices, you need these pieces of information, the:

Create Export Configuration

Back on the Google Cloud console, we need to find the cloud storage bucket that is used for your deployment. Navigate to -> Storage -> Browser.

You will see a bucket where the name starts with exposure-notifications-export-, copy the full bucket name, you will need it to configure the export.

Move back to the key server admin console. Press the Create new Export Config button, and fill out the form:


Export Configuration - Top

In the lower half of the form, select the signing key that we just configured. This will ensure that your exports are correctly signed.

Export Configuration - Signing Key

This will make the export files available at

In our example, this is

Please see the key processing guide for information on how to download export files.

This completes the the server configurations.

Next Steps

Your application will need to know the correct URLs for the verification server APIs and key server publish APIs. In our example domains, the following URLs are relevant.

For export files to be successfully processed, the export signing key information needs to be shared with both Apple and Google.

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