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This document outlines the components that make up FPLBase.


We (optionally) use SDL (Simple Directmedia Layer) as our lowest level layer. SDL is an Open Source cross platform layer providing OpenGL context creation, input, and other things a game needs to run on a platform, without having to write any platform specific code. It has been in development for a long time, and has very robust support for mobile (Android, iOS), desktop (Windows, OS X, Linux), and even is available for the web through asm.js.

SDL together with OpenGL(ES) and C++ provide an excellent basis for making great cross platform games.

If you prefer to initialize your own OpenGL context, you can link to the fplbase_stdlib library instead of the fplbase library (see CMakeLists.txt). All the functionality of fplbase is still available: loading meshes, shaders, and textures, and hiding the OpenGL details from your code.


Directly on top of SDL sit two systems, the renderer (renderer.h) and the input system (input.h). On top of the renderer sits two more (optional) systems, the asset manager (asset_manager.h) and the asynchronous loader (async_loader.h).

To represent resources created by the renderer (or asset manager) we have:

The renderer also depends upon our MathFu library for all its vector and matrix datatypes. The asset manager depends on our FlatBuffers serialization library.

Basic initialization and rendering

The Renderer is the core of the engine, and is responsible for creating the OpenGL context and OpenGL resources such as shaders and textures.

The basic flow of using this lower level layer to create a fully functioning program is as follows:

  • Instantiate the Renderer, and call Initialize on it. This will get your OpenGL context set up, and a window/screen ready to draw on:
    Renderer renderer;
    renderer.Initialize(vec2i(960, 640), "Simple FPLBase example");
    The size argument is only really used for the desktop. If initialize fails (returns false), you can get a more informative error string by calling renderer.last_error().
  • Create the input system:
    InputSystem input;
    This doesn't fail.
  • Create resources. CompileAndLinkShader will turn two shader strings (GLSL vertex and pixel shader) into a Shader object:
    auto shader = renderer.CompileAndLinkShader(vertex_shader, fragment_shader);
    (for even more convenient methods that will load directly from file, see the material manager below). Shaders failing to compiler can generate complex errors, so be sure to check the contents of last_error() when shader is null. For more resource types, see below.
  • Now you're ready to run your main loop. Call AdvanceFrame on the renderer to swap buffers and do general initialisation of the frame, likely followed by ClearFrameBuffer.
    while (!input.exit_requested()) {
    renderer.AdvanceFrame(input.minimized(), input.Time());
    // Render stuff here.
    We use the input system to see if an exit has been requested (close button, app shut down). AdvanceFrame for the input system advances the time, and collects new input events.
  • Before rendering anything, call the renderer's set_model_view_projection(). Use our separate MathFu library to combine matrices depending on whether you're creating a 2D or 3D scene, e.g. mathfu::mat4::Ortho and mathfu::mat4::Perspective.
    mathfu::mat4::Ortho(-1.0, 1.0, -1.5, 1.5, -1.0, 1.0));
    Creates a 2D coordinate space with (0,0) in the center and (3,2) in size.
  • Now use the shader you've created by calling Set on it. This will make it active, and also upload any renderer variables (such as model_view_projection), ready to be used by the shader.
  • Finally, you can now render something! Lets use use convenient helper function that gets us a quad (or 2 sprite):
    Mesh::RenderAAQuadAlongX(mathfu::vec3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0),
    mathfu::vec3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0));
    For more complex meshes, see below.

Putting this all together, we get:

Renderer renderer;
renderer.Initialize(vec2i(960, 640), "Simple FPLBase example");
InputSystem input;
// A vertex shader that passes untransformed position thru.
auto vertex_shader =
"attribute vec4 aPosition;\n"
"void main() { gl_Position = aPosition; }\n";
// A fragment shader that outputs a green pixel.
auto fragment_shader =
"void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); }\n";
auto shader = renderer.CompileAndLinkShader(vertex_shader, fragment_shader);
while (!input.exit_requested()) {
renderer.AdvanceFrame(input.minimized(), input.Time());
float color = (1.0f - cos(input.Time())) / 2.0f;
renderer.ClearFrameBuffer(mathfu::vec4(color, 0.0f, color, 1.0f));
mathfu::mat4::Ortho(-1.0, 1.0, -1.5, 1.5, -1.0, 1.0));
Mesh::RenderAAQuadAlongX(mathfu::vec3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0),
mathfu::vec3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0));

Asset Manager

The renderer is deliberately a bare minimum system that takes care of creating and using resources, but not managing them. The asset manager takes care of loading from disk, and caching resources, but is deliberately seperate from the renderer, such that it is easy to replace with something else should the need arise.

Where the renderer reads from memory buffers, the material manager loads files. To keep this cross platform, any resources should be in a folder called assets under the project root. All paths you specify are relative to this folder.

Create one by passing the Renderer that will do the actual creation of resources:

fpl::AssetManager asset_manager(renderer);

Once you've instantiated the AssetManager, calls like LoadShader will conveniently construct a Shader from two files. It does this by suffixing .glslv and .glslf to the filename you pass.

Similarly, LoadTexture will load a TGA or WebP file straight into a Texture:

auto shader = asset_manager.LoadShader("tex");
auto tex = asset_manager.LoadTexture("tex.webp");

All methods that start with Load have the property that if you ask to load a file that has been loaded before, it just instantly return the previously created resource, and only do any actual loading if not. As before, last_error() will have a descriptive message if this fails.

Alternatively, there are Find versions of these methods that will return nullptr if the resource wasn't previously loaded.

More high-level than loading individual textures is loading a Material, which is a set of textures all meant to be used in the same draw call, bundled with rendering flags such as the desired alpha blending mode etc. You create an actual material file by writing a small .json file which specifies the texture filenames and other properties, e.g.:

texture_filenames: [ "diffuse.webp", "normal.webp" ],
blendmode: OFF

(for more, see schemas/material.fbs). This JSON file can be converted to a binary file by our FlatBuffers serialization library, the result of which can be passed to LoadMaterial that will load all referenced textures and create a Material object (which can be attached to Mesh).

Meshes load similary using LoadMesh, to find out how to create these files, see MeshPipeline.

A simple example, which could replace the shader loading in the above example, and also loads a texture:

fpl::AssetManager asset_manager(renderer);
auto shader = asset_manager.LoadShader("tex");
auto tex = asset_manager.LoadTexture("tex.webp");
while (!asset_manager.TryFinalize()) {
// Can display loading screen here.

What was that while loop needed for? See [Asynchronous Loader][fplbase_async_loader].

Note: for fast loading and efficient GPU usage, use of compressed ETC2 format textures in a .ktx file is recommended. Loading will automatically fall-back to .webp if the hardware does not support it, i.e systems that don't support OpenGL 3.0. Alternatively, use ETC1 which is always supported. Generate these with e.g:

etcpack mytexture.png mytexture.ktx -c etc2 -f RGBA -mipmaps -ktx

Asynchronous Loader

Loading resources can take a long time, and can be sped up by loading heavy resources (such as textures) in parallel with the rest of the game initialization. Even if speed is not the issue, just being able to conveniently render a loading animation is nice to have.

AsyncLoader takes care of all that, hiding the gory details of threading from you. It is fully integrated with the material manager, so using it is relatively simple:

  • Load all your resources as normal. You will receive Texture and Material objects, but these won't actually have any texture data associated with them yet, as textures haven't loaded yet.
  • Once you've queued up all your resources, call StartLoadingTextures on the material manager to get the loading started.
  • Now, enter your frame loop as normal. Call TryFinalize which will check if all textures have been loaded. If it returns false, you should display a loading screen, otherwise render the game as normal.
  • Your loading screen might want to use textures also. Since the loader loads textures in the order they were requested, make sure you queue up your loading screen textures first. If the Texture::id() is non-zero, it can already be used.

Instantiating resources with the renderer

We already saw how to load shaders directly from memory without using the asset manager, we can do that with other resources too, if you prefer to do your own asset management:

LoadAndUnpackTexture will take a file (currently WebP/TGA/KTX formats) and turn it into a raw buffer which CreateTexture turns into an OpenGL texture.

There's several ways to render or create meshes. We already saw RenderAAQuadAlongX which is the simplest way to get geometry on screen. A more general way is RenderArray which will render a mesh on the fly from any indices and vertices:

const fpl::Attribute format[] = {
fpl::Attribute::kPosition3f, fpl::Attribute::kEND
const unsigned short indices[] = { 0, 1, 2 };
const float vertices[] = {
-.5f, -.5f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f,
0.5f, -.5f, 0.0f
fpl::Mesh::RenderArray(fpl::Mesh::Primitive::kTriangles, 3, format,
sizeof(float) * 3, vertices, indices);

format specifies what kind of attributes our vertex data contains, here only positions. Vertex data must always be interleaved.

Rendering on the fly is convenient, but for the best performance you should always construct Mesh objects, which deal with uploading of vertex and index data just once. Given the data in the above example, that would look like:

auto mesh = new Mesh(vertices, 3, sizeof(float) * 3, format);
mesh->AddIndices(indices, 3, material);

You may call AddIndices more than once to create multiple different surfaces (with different textures) that make use of the same geometry.

You'll need a material which you can instantiate using the asset manager, or manually.

Inside your rendering loop, now all you have to do is call:


This will render all surfaces contained, set all textures etc.

Input System

InputSystem deals with time, touch/mouse/keyboard/gamepad input, and lifecycle events.

As we saw above, to initialize it call Initialize, and once per frame call AdvanceFrame right after you called the same method on the renderer. This collects new input events from the system to be reflected in its internal state.

Call Time for seconds since game start, and DeltaTime for seconds since the last frame. Time is updated only once per frame, to ensure that all animations/simulations that happen during a frame stay in sync with rendering. If instead you want time for profiling, call RealTime which recomputes the current time each time it is called.

Now you can query the state of the inputs you're interested in. For example, call GetButton with one of the constants from input.h which can either be a keyboard key, or a pointer (meaning the mouse or touch inputs, depending on platform) or a gamepad button, and you can see if it went down or up this last frame, or wether it is currently down. The Pointer objects can tell you more about their current position. For example:

if (input.GetButton(K_POINTER1).went_down()) {
auto &pos = input.get_pointers()[0].mousepos;
printf("finger/mouse hit at %d, %d\n", pos.x, pos.y);