Machine Translation: WMT'15 English-German

Single models only, no ensembles. Results are listed in chronological order.

Model Name & Reference Settings / Notes Training Time Test Set BLEU
tf-seq2seq Configuration ~4 days on 8 NVidia K80 GPUs newstest2014: 22.19
newstest2015: 25.23
Gehring, et al. (2016-11)
Deep Convolutional 15/5
--- newstest2014: -
newstest2015: 24.3
Wu et al. (2016-09)
8 encoder/decoder layers, 1024 LSTM units, 32k shared wordpieces (similar to BPE); residual between layers connections; lots of other tricks; newstest2012 and newstest2013 as validation sets. --- newstest2014: 24.61
newstest2015: -
Zhou et al. (2016-06)
--- newstest2014: 20.6
newstest2015: -
Chung, et al. (2016-03)
Character-level decoder with BPE encoder. Based on Bahdanau attention model; Bidirectional encoder with 512 GRU units; 2-layer GRU decoder with 1024 units; Adam; batch size 128; gradient clipping at norm 1; Moses Tokenizer; limit sequences to 50 symbols in source and 100 symbols and 500 characters in target. --- newstest2014: 21.5
newstest2015: 23.9
Sennrich et al. (2015-8)
Authors propose BPE for subword unit nsegmentation as a pre/post-processing step to handle open vocabulary; Base model is based on Bahndanau's paper. Bidirectional encoder; GRU; 1000 hidden units; 1000 attention units; 620-dimensional word embeddings; single-layer; beam search width 12; Adadelta with batch size 80; Using Groundhog; newstest2014: -
newstest2015: 20.5
Luong et al. (2015-08) Novel local/global attention mechanism; 50k vocabulary; 4 layers in encoder and decoder; unidirectional encoder; gradient clipping at norm 5; 1028 LSTM units, 1028-dimensional embeddings; (somewhat complicated) SGD decay schedule; dropout 0.2; UNK replace; --- newstest2014: 20.9
newstest2015: -
Jean et al. (2014-12)
Authors propose a new sampling-based approach to incorporate a larger vocabulary; Base model is based on Bahndanau's paper. Bidirectional encoder; GRU; 1000 hidden units; 1000 attention units; 620-dimensional word embeddings; single-layer; beam search width 12; --- newstest2014: 19.4
newstest2015: -

Machine Translation: WMT'17

Coming soon.

Text Summarization: Gigaword

Coming soon.

Image Captioning: MSCOCO

Coming soon.

Conversational Modeling

Coming soon.