#include "tensorstore/array_storage_statistics.h"
- struct tensorstore::ArrayStorageStatistics;
Response from a storage statistics query.
- enum Mask;
Indicates the information to request.
Friend functions¶
- friend constexpr Mask operator~(Mask a);
- friend constexpr Mask operator|(Mask a, Mask b);
- friend constexpr Mask& operator|=(Mask& a, Mask b);
- friend constexpr Mask operator&(Mask a, Mask b);
- friend constexpr Mask operator&=(Mask& a, Mask b);
Set operations.
friend bool operator==(const ArrayStorageStatistics& a,
const ArrayStorageStatistics& b); -
friend bool operator!=(const ArrayStorageStatistics& a,
const ArrayStorageStatistics& b); Comparison operators.
friend std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ArrayStorageStatistics& a); Prints a debug representation.
Data members¶
- bool not_stored;
Set to
if no data is stored within the requested domain.
- bool fully_stored;
Indicates whether the requested domain is fully stored.