#include "tensorstore/schema.h"
class tensorstore::Schema;

Collection of constraints for a TensorStore schema.

When opening an existing TensorStore, specifies constraints that must be satisfied by the existing schema for the operation to succeed.

When creating a new TensorStore, the constraints are used in conjunction with any driver-dependent defaults and additional driver-specific constraints included in the spec to determine the new schema.

For interoperability with tensorstore::Open and other interfaces accepting a variable-length list of strongly-typed options, there is a unique wrapper type for each constraint.

Constraints are set by calling Schema::Set. Constraints are retrieved using either the named accessor methods, like Schema::dtype(), or in generic code using the explicit conversion operators, e.g. static_cast<DataType>(constraints).


RankConstraint rank() const;
explicit operator RankConstraint() const;
absl::Status Set(RankConstraint rank);

Specifies the rank (dynamic_rank indicates unspecified).

DataType dtype() const;
explicit operator DataType() const;
absl::Status Set(DataType value);

Specifies the data type.

absl::Status Override(DataType value);

Overrides the data type.

IndexDomain<> domain() const;
explicit operator IndexDomain<>() const;
absl::Status Set(IndexDomain<> value);

Specifies the domain.

absl::Status Override(IndexDomain<> value);

Overrides the domain.

absl::Status Set(Shape value);

Specifies the zero-origin bounds for the domain.

ChunkLayout chunk_layout() const;
explicit operator ChunkLayout() const;
absl::Status Set(Option value);

Specifies the data storage layout.

FillValue fill_value() const;
explicit operator FillValue() const;
absl::Status Set(FillValue value);

Specifies the fill value.

CodecSpec codec() const;
explicit operator CodecSpec() const;
absl::Status Set(CodecSpec value);

Specifies the data codec.

DimensionUnits dimension_units() const;
absl::Status Set(DimensionUnits value);
explicit operator DimensionUnits() const;

Specifies the physical quantity corresponding to a single index increment along each dimension.

absl::Status Set(Schema value);

Merges in constraints from an existing schema.

TransformInputSpaceSchema(IndexTransformView<> transform);

Transforms a Schema by an index transform.


struct Shape : public span<const Index>;

Strongly-typed alias of span<const Index> for representing a shape constraint.

struct FillValue : public SharedArrayView<const void>;

Strongly-typed alias of SharedArrayView<const void> for representing a fill_value constraint.

struct DimensionUnits : public span<const std::optional<Unit>>;

Strongly-typed alias of span<const std::optional<Unit>> for representing dimension unit constraints.

Data members

static constexpr bool IsOption<T> = ChunkLayout::IsOption<T>;

Evaluates to true for option types compatible with Set. Supported types are:

Friend functions

friend Result<Schema> ApplyIndexTransform(Expr&exprSchema schema);

Transforms a Schema object by a DimExpression.

friend PipelineResultType<Schema, Func>
operator|(Schema schemaFunc&func);

“Pipeline” operator.

class tensorstore::ChunkLayout;

Specifies a precise chunk layout or constraints on a chunk layout.

class tensorstore::CodecSpec;

Specifies compression and other encoding/decoding parameters for a TensorStore driver.

struct tensorstore::Unit;

Represents a physical unit, such as “nm” or “3nm” or “3 m/s”.

using tensorstore::DimensionUnitsVector =

Vector specifying optional units for each dimension of an index space.