#include "tensorstore/index_space/index_transform.h"
template <DimensionIndex InputRankB,
 DimensionIndex OutputRankB,
 ContainerKind CKindB>
friend bool
tensorstore::IndexTransform<InputRank, OutputRank, CKind>::operator==(
const IndexTransforma,
const IndexTransform<InputRankB, OutputRankB, CKindB>b);
template <DimensionIndex InputRankB,
 DimensionIndex OutputRankB,
 ContainerKind CKindB>
friend bool
tensorstore::IndexTransform<InputRank, OutputRank, CKind>::operator!=(
const IndexTransforma,
const IndexTransform<InputRankB, OutputRankB, CKindB>b);

Checks if two index transforms have identical representations.

Specifically, checks that the input_origin, input_shape, input_labels, and output index maps are identical.

Note that two output index maps with different representations are not considered equal, even if they specify equivalent logical mappings.