#include "tensorstore/resize_options.h"
enum class tensorstore::ResolveBoundsMode;

Bitvector specifying options for resolving TensorStore bounds.

Currently, there is on a single optional flag, but more may be added in the future.

enumerator fix_resizable_bounds = 1;

Requests that any resizable (implicit) bounds of the underlying TensorStore are fixed (treated as explicit). If this flag is not specified, implicit bounds are propagated to existing implicit bounds of the input domain but do not constrain existing explicit bounds of the input domain.

constexpr const ResolveBoundsMode tensorstore::fix_resizable_bounds =
constexpr ResolveBoundsMode
tensorstore::operator&(ResolveBoundsMode aResolveBoundsMode b);

Computes the intersection of two mode sets.

constexpr ResolveBoundsMode
tensorstore::operator|(ResolveBoundsMode aResolveBoundsMode b);

Computes the union of two mode sets.

constexpr bool tensorstore::operator!(ResolveBoundsMode a);

Checks if any mode has been set.

tensorstore::operator<<(std::ostreamosResolveBoundsMode mode);

Prints a debugging string representation to an std::ostream.