#include "tensorstore/kvstore/kvstore.h"
tensorstore::kvstore::Open(Spec specOpenOptions&options);
Future<KvStore> tensorstore::kvstore::Open(::nlohmann::json json_spec,
template <typename... Option>
requires IsCompatibleOptionSequence<OpenOptions, Option...>
static Future<KvStore>
tensorstore::kvstore::Open(Spec specOption&&... option);
template <typename... Option>
requires IsCompatibleOptionSequence<OpenOptions, Option...>
static Future<KvStore>
tensorstore::kvstore::Open(::nlohmann::json jOption&&... option);

Opens a KvStore based on an already-parsed kvstore::Spec and an optional sequence of options.

Options may be specified in any order, and are identified by their type. Supported option types are:

  • Context: specifies the context in which to obtain any unbound context resources in spec. Any already-bound context resources in spec remain unmodified. If not specified, Context::Default() is used.

  • Transaction: specifies a transaction to bind to the returned KvStore. Currently this does not affect the open operation itself.

Spec spec

KvStore specification.

::nlohmann::json json_spec

JSON value (which may be a string URL) to be parsed as a Spec.

Option&&... option

Any option compatible with OpenOptions.

OpenOptions &&options

Options for opening the spec.