tensorstore.IndexTransform(input_rank: int | None = None, *, input_inclusive_min: Sequence[int] | None = None, implicit_lower_bounds: Sequence[bool] | None = None, input_exclusive_max: Sequence[int] | None = None, input_inclusive_max: Sequence[int] | None = None, input_shape: Sequence[int] | None = None, implicit_upper_bounds: Sequence[bool] | None = None, input_labels: Sequence[str | None] | None = None, output: Sequence[OutputIndexMap] | None = None)

Constructs an index transform from component vectors.

input_rank: int | None = None

Number of input dimensions. Only required if the input rank is not otherwise specified.

input_inclusive_min: Sequence[int] | None = None

Inclusive lower bounds for each input dimension. If not specified, defaults to all zero if input_shape is specified, otherwise unbounded.

implicit_lower_bounds: Sequence[bool] | None = None

Indicates whether each lower bound is implicit or explicit. Defaults to all explicit if input_inclusive_min or input_shape is specified, otherwise defaults to all implicit.

input_exclusive_max: Sequence[int] | None = None

Exclusive upper bounds for each input dimension. At most one of input_exclusive_max, input_inclusive_max, and input_shape may be specified.

input_inclusive_max: Sequence[int] | None = None

Inclusive upper bounds for each input dimension.

input_shape: Sequence[int] | None = None

Size for each input dimension.

implicit_upper_bounds: Sequence[bool] | None = None

Indicates whether each upper bound is implicit or explicit. Defaults to all explicit if input_exclusive_max, input_inclusive_max, or shape is specified, otherwise defaults to all implicit.

input_labels: Sequence[str | None] | None = None

Dimension labels for each input dimension. Defaults to all unlabeled.

output: Sequence[OutputIndexMap] | None = None

Sequence of output index maps, or OutputIndexMaps object from an existing transform. If not specified, constructs an identity transform over the domain.


>>> # Identity transform of rank 3
>>> ts.IndexTransform(3)
Rank 3 -> 3 index space transform:
  Input domain:
    0: (-inf*, +inf*)
    1: (-inf*, +inf*)
    2: (-inf*, +inf*)
  Output index maps:
    out[0] = 0 + 1 * in[0]
    out[1] = 0 + 1 * in[1]
    out[2] = 0 + 1 * in[2]
>>> ts.IndexTransform(
...     input_shape=[3, 2],
...     output=[
...         ts.OutputIndexMap(offset=7, input_dimension=1),
...         ts.OutputIndexMap([[1, 2]], offset=2, stride=-1),
...         ts.OutputIndexMap(8),
...         ts.OutputIndexMap([[1, 2]],
...                           offset=2,
...                           stride=-1,
...                           index_range=ts.Dim(inclusive_min=0,
...                                              exclusive_max=8)),
...     ],
... )
Rank 2 -> 4 index space transform:
  Input domain:
    0: [0, 3)
    1: [0, 2)
  Output index maps:
    out[0] = 7 + 1 * in[1]
    out[1] = 2 + -1 * bounded((-inf, +inf), array(in)), where array =
      {{1, 2}}
    out[2] = 8
    out[3] = 2 + -1 * bounded([0, 8), array(in)), where array =
      {{1, 2}}