class tensorstore.KvStore.Spec

Parsed representation of a JSON key-value store specification.


update(*, unbind_context: bool | None = None, ...) None

Modifies a spec.


path : str

Path prefix within the base key-value store.

url : str

URL representation of the key-value store specification.

to_json(include_defaults: bool = False) Any

Converts to the JSON representation.

base : KvStore.Spec | None

Underlying key-value store, if this is a key-value store adapter.

copy() KvStore.Spec

Returns a copy of the key-value store spec.


__add__(suffix: str) KvStore.Spec

Returns a key-value store with the suffix appended to the path.

__truediv__(component: str) KvStore.Spec

Returns a key-value store with an additional path component joined to the path.


Spec(json: Any)

Constructs from the JSON representation or a URL.

String representation

__repr__() str

Returns a string representation based on the JSON representation.

Comparison operators

__eq__(other: KvStore.Spec) bool

Compares with another KvStore.Spec for equality based on the JSON representation.