class tensorstore.TensorStore.StorageStatistics

Statistics related to the storage of an array specified by a TensorStore.

These statistics provide information about the elements of an array that are stored, but depending on the driver, whether data is stored for a given element is not necessarily equivalent to whether that element has been successfully written:

  • There are cases where an element may be stored even if it has not been explicitly written. For example, when using a chunked storage driver, an entire chunk must be stored in order to store any element within the chunk, and it is not possible to determine which elements of the chunk were explicitly written. If any chunk corresponding to a region that intersects the domain is stored, then not_stored will be False, even if no element actually within the domain was explicitly written. Similarly, if at least one element of each chunk that intersects the domain is stored, then fully_stored will be True, even if no element of the domain was every explicitly written.

  • Some drivers may not store chunks that are entirely equal to the TensorStore.fill_value. With such drivers, if all elements of the domain are equal to the fill value, even if some or all of the elements have been explicitly written, not_stored may be True.


StorageStatistics(*, not_stored: bool | None = None, ...)

Constructs from attribute values.

Public members

not_stored : bool | None

Indicates whether no data is stored for the specified domain.

fully_stored : bool | None
