
fun FoldAwareColumn(displayFeatures: List<DisplayFeature>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, foldPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(), horizontalAlignment: Alignment.Horizontal = Alignment.Start, content: @Composable FoldAwareColumnScope.() -> Unit)

A simplified version of Column that places children in a fold-aware manner.

The layout starts placing children from the top of the available space. If there is a horizontal separating fold present in the window, then the layout will check to see if any children overlap the fold. If a child would overlap the fold in its current position, then the layout will increase its y coordinate so that the child is now placed below the fold, and any subsequent children will also be placed below the fold.



a list of display features the device currently has


an optional modifier for the layout


the optional padding to add around a fold


the horizontal alignment of the layout's children.