Package-level declarations


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Copy of ColumnScope that excludes the weight Modifier attribute.

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The configuration for which type of folds for a TwoPane to automatically avoid.

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class SplitResult(val gapOrientation: Orientation, val gapBounds: Rect)

Returns the specification for where to place a split in TwoPane as a result of TwoPaneStrategy.calculateSplitResult

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fun interface TwoPaneStrategy

A strategy for configuring the TwoPane component, that is responsible for the meta-data corresponding to the arrangement of the two panes of the layout.


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Calculates the list of DisplayFeatures from the given activity.

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fun FoldAwareColumn(displayFeatures: List<DisplayFeature>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, foldPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(), horizontalAlignment: Alignment.Horizontal = Alignment.Start, content: @Composable FoldAwareColumnScope.() -> Unit)

A simplified version of Column that places children in a fold-aware manner.

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fun HorizontalTwoPaneStrategy(splitFraction: Float, gapWidth: Dp = 0.dp): TwoPaneStrategy
fun HorizontalTwoPaneStrategy(splitOffset: Dp, offsetFromStart: Boolean = true, gapWidth: Dp = 0.dp): TwoPaneStrategy

Returns a TwoPaneStrategy that will place the slots horizontally.

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fun TwoPane(first: @Composable () -> Unit, second: @Composable () -> Unit, strategy: TwoPaneStrategy, displayFeatures: List<DisplayFeature>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, foldAwareConfiguration: FoldAwareConfiguration = FoldAwareConfiguration.AllFolds)

A layout that places two different pieces of content defined by the first and second slots where the arrangement, sizes and separation behaviour is controlled by TwoPaneStrategy.

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fun VerticalTwoPaneStrategy(splitFraction: Float, gapHeight: Dp = 0.dp): TwoPaneStrategy
fun VerticalTwoPaneStrategy(splitOffset: Dp, offsetFromTop: Boolean = true, gapHeight: Dp = 0.dp): TwoPaneStrategy

Returns a TwoPaneStrategy that will place the slots horizontally.