Finding Heartbleed

This tutorial will show you how to find Heartbleed using libFuzzer and ClusterFuzz.


We assume you are using a Linux bot. See the compiler section in the libFuzzer and AFL documentation for how to get a working compiler for following along with the examples below. Make sure to set CC and CXX.

Building a libFuzzer target for OpenSSL

Run these commands to build a libFuzzer target for OpenSSL:

# Download and unpack a vulnerable version of OpenSSL:
curl -O
tar xf openssl-1.0.1f.tar.gz

# Build OpenSSL with ASan and fuzzer instrumentation:
cd openssl-1.0.1f/

# $CC must be pointing to clang binary, see the "compiler section" link above.
make CC="$CC -g -fsanitize=address,fuzzer-no-link"
cd ..

# Download the fuzz target and its data dependencies:
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O

# Build OpenSSL fuzz target for ClusterFuzz ($CXX points to clang++ binary):
$CXX -g -fsanitize=address,fuzzer openssl-1.0.1f/libssl.a \
  openssl-1.0.1f/libcrypto.a -std=c++17 -Iopenssl-1.0.1f/include/ -lstdc++fs   \
  -ldl -lstdc++ -o handshake-fuzzer

zip handshake-fuzzer server.key server.pem

Uploading the fuzzer to ClusterFuzz

First we need to create a job:

  • Navigate to the Jobs page.
  • Go to the “ADD NEW JOB” form.
  • Fill out a job with the following:
    • “libfuzzer_asan_linux_openssl” for the “Name”.
    • “LINUX” for the “Platform”.
    • “libFuzzer” for the “Select/modify fuzzers”.
    • “libfuzzer” and “engine_asan” for the “Templates”.
    • CORPUS_PRUNE = True for the “Environment String”.
  • Select to upload as a “Custom Build”.
  • Use the “ADD” button to add the job to ClusterFuzz.

Fuzzing and seeing results

If you follow this tutorial using local ClusterFuzz server and bot instances, and you do not have any other fuzzing tasks running, you should see the string: fuzz libFuzzer libfuzzer_asan_linux_openssl show up in the bot logs. This means that ClusterFuzz is fuzzing your build. Soon after that you should see a stack trace and the string: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow in the log.

If you follow this tutorial using a production instance of ClusterFuzz, you should be able to see the string fuzz libFuzzer libfuzzer_asan_linux_openssl on the Bots page. The timing also depends on the other workload you may have.

Some time later, you can go to the ClusterFuzz homepage (ie: the Testcases page) and you will see a testcase titled “Heap-buffer-overflow READ{*}”. This is the Heartbleed vulnerability found by ClusterFuzz.