#include "tensorstore/staleness_bound.h"
struct tensorstore::RecheckCacheOption;

Specifies time bound on cached data that may be used without revalidation.


explicit constexpr RecheckCacheOption();

Constructs an unspecified bound.

explicit constexpr RecheckCacheOption(bool value);

Constructs a bound that either always or never revalidates cached data.

explicit constexpr RecheckCacheOption(absl::Time time);

Constructs from the specified bound.


static constexpr RecheckCacheOption AtOpen();

Special time bound equal to the time the TensorStore is opened.

constexpr bool specified() const;

Checks if a bound has been specified.


enum Flags;

Specifies the kind of time bound.

Data members

absl::Time time = absl::InfiniteFuture();

Specifies the time bound.

Flags flags = kUnspecified;

Specifies the interpretation of time.