#include "tensorstore/staleness_bound.h"
struct tensorstore::RecheckCachedData : public RecheckCacheOption;

Specifies time bound on cached array data (as opposed to metadata).

This is for use with SpecOptions and is applicable to drivers that perform caching.

RecheckCachedData{time} indicates that cached data older than time will be rechecked before it is returned; data not older than time is assumed to be valid (no requests are made to validate it).

RecheckCachedData{true} indicates that cached data is always rechecked before it is returned, and is equivalent to RecheckCachedData{absl::InfiniteFuture()}.

RecheckCachedData{false} indicates that cached data is always returned without rechecking, and is equivalent to RecheckCachedData{absl::InfiniteFuture()}.

RecheckCachedData::AtOpen() indicates that cached older than the time at which the TensorStore was opened will be rechecked before it is returned; data not older than the open time is assumed to be valid.


static constexpr RecheckCachedData AtOpen();

Special time bound equal to the time the TensorStore is opened.