Scoring screen presented after completing a single player level that lets the player navigate to menus or continue playing. More...
Signals | |
void | playNextLevelRequested () |
Emitted when the player chooses to play the next level. More... | |
void | replayLevelRequested () |
Emitted when the player chooses to replay the current level. More... | |
void | startMenuRequested () |
Emitted when the player chooses to go to the start menu. More... | |
void | signIntoCloudRequested () |
Emitted when the player chooses to sign in to Google Play Games Services. More... | |
void | showAchievementsRequested () |
Emitted when the player chooses to show their achievements. More... | |
void | muteBGMRequested () |
Emitted when the player chooses to mute the background music. More... | |
void | unmuteBGMRequested () |
Emitted when the player chooses to unmute the background music. More... | |
![]() | |
void | showCompleted () |
Emitted when the UiComponent has completely shown. More... | |
void | hideCompleted () |
Emitted when the UiComponent has completely hidden. More... | |
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void | pressed () |
Emitted when this area receives a button press. More... | |
void | released () |
Emitted when this area receives a button release. More... | |
void | escaped () |
Emitted when a back navigation event occurs. More... | |
Properties | |
real | oneStarThreshold |
Minimum score needed to acheive the first star. More... | |
real | twoStarThreshold |
Minimum score needed to acheive the second star. More... | |
real | threeStarThreshold |
Minimum score needed to acheive the third star. More... | |
real | fourStarThreshold |
Minimum score needed to acheive the fourth star. More... | |
real | score |
Ratio of points collected over the maximum number of possible points. More... | |
bool | gameCompleted |
Whether or not the game has been completed. More... | |
bool | signedIntoCloud |
Whether or not the player has signed in to Google Play Games Services. More... | |
bool | bgmMuted |
Whether or not the background music is currently muted. More... | |
![]() | |
string | showState |
State transitioned to when show() is called. More... | |
string | hideState |
State transitioned to when hide() is called. More... | |
int | showDuration |
Time, in milliseconds, that the UiComponent takes to show. More... | |
int | hideDuration |
Time, in milliseconds, that the UiComponent takes to hide. More... | |
bool | showing |
Whether or not the UiComponent is shown or is transitioning to the showState. More... | |
bool | shouldGainFocus |
Whether or not the UiComponent should gain focus when shown. More... | |
Item | returnFocusTo |
Item that the component returns focus to if this UiComponent gained focus previously. More... | |
![]() | |
Item | focusUp |
Item to transfer focus to upon an "up" press. More... | |
Item | focusDown |
Item to transfer focus to upon an "down" press. More... | |
Item | focusLeft |
Item to transfer focus to upon an "left" press. More... | |
Item | focusRight |
Item to transfer focus to upon an "right" press. More... | |
bool | captureBackNavigation |
Whether or not the back button event is handled. More... | |
int | backNavigationMode |
Mode that determines what keys behave as back buttons. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
void | show (int time) |
Shows the UiComponent over time milliseconds. More... | |
void | hide (int time) |
Hides the UiComponent over time milliseconds. More... | |
Scoring screen presented after completing a single player level that lets the player navigate to menus or continue playing.
The player is presented with an animated "star score" based on the total points that they scored. The player will receive atleast one star and can get up to four stars.
signal |
Emitted when the player chooses to mute the background music.
signal |
Emitted when the player chooses to play the next level.
signal |
Emitted when the player chooses to replay the current level.
signal |
Emitted when the player chooses to show their achievements.
signal |
Emitted when the player chooses to sign in to Google Play Games Services.
signal |
Emitted when the player chooses to go to the start menu.
signal |
Emitted when the player chooses to unmute the background music.
bool SinglePlayerScoringScreen::bgmMuted |
Whether or not the background music is currently muted.
real SinglePlayerScoringScreen::fourStarThreshold |
Minimum score needed to acheive the fourth star.
bool SinglePlayerScoringScreen::gameCompleted |
Whether or not the game has been completed.
real SinglePlayerScoringScreen::oneStarThreshold |
Minimum score needed to acheive the first star.
real SinglePlayerScoringScreen::score |
Ratio of points collected over the maximum number of possible points.
bool SinglePlayerScoringScreen::signedIntoCloud |
Whether or not the player has signed in to Google Play Games Services.
real SinglePlayerScoringScreen::threeStarThreshold |
Minimum score needed to acheive the third star.
real SinglePlayerScoringScreen::twoStarThreshold |
Minimum score needed to acheive the second star.