Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼ Engine | |
► android | |
AndroidActivity.h | |
SelfDetachingJNIEnv.h | |
► audio | |
SoundEffectInstance.h | |
SoundManager.h | |
► bodies | |
CircleBody.h | |
PolygonBody.h | |
► graphics | |
AnimatedImageRenderer.h | |
Graphic.h | |
ImageRenderer.h | |
LiquidFunDebugDraw.h | |
ParallaxTransformItem.h | |
ParticleRendererItem.h | |
PolygonMesh.h | |
PolygonVertexAttributeArray.h | |
TerrainMaterialDef.h | |
TerrainMaterials.h | |
TerrainMeshRenderer.h | |
TerrainShader.h | |
TextureManager.h | |
► inputs | |
InputArea.h | |
TouchScreenButtonController.h | |
► joints | |
RevoluteJoint.h | |
WeldJoint.h | |
► logics | |
► events | |
ContactEvent.h | |
► triggers | |
ContactTrigger.h | |
CameraMovementLogic.h | |
InterpolationLogic.h | |
JavaScriptLogic.h | |
StopwatchLogic.h | |
Trigger.h | |
► particles | |
Particle.h | |
ParticleLayer.h | |
WaterParticle.h | |
WaterParticleSet.h | |
► utils | |
Box2dUtil.h | |
Constants.h | |
ContactListener.h | |
DebugMetricsMonitor.h | |
DestructionListener.h | |
GraphicsUtil.h | |
QmlUtil.h | |
Util.h | |
VariantConverter.h | |
Achievement.h | |
Actor.h | |
Body.h | |
Camera.h | |
Engine.h | |
Environment.h | |
Joint.h | |
Joints.h | |
Level.h | |
LevelInfo.h | |
Logic.h | |
▼ GameInput | |
► routers | |
GamepadRouter.h | |
KeyboardRouter.h | |
TouchNavigationRouter.h | |
ControllerEvent.h | |
ControllerFactory.h | |
ControllerManager.h | |
InputRouter.h | |
InputScheme.h | |
InputUtil.h | |
JoystickAxisCodes.h | |
JoystickAxisScheme.h | |
KeyCodes.h | |
KeyScheme.h | |
TriggerAxisCodes.h | |
TriggerAxisScheme.h | |
VirtualController.h | |
▼ inputs | |
PlayerManager.h | |
▼ logics | |
AcceleratorLogic.h | |
ActorEmitterLogic.h | |
EmitterLogic.h | |
GameInputLogic.h | |
MagneticAttractorLogic.h | |
MagneticHighlightLogic.h | |
ParticleEmitterLogic.h | |
PickupLogic.h | |
RollingMovementLogic.h | |
WaterBodyLogic.h | |
▼ renderer | |
Attribute.h | |
AttributeArray.h | |
AttributeSet.h | |
DebugRenderer.h | |
DirectTexture.h | |
InstancedShader.h | |
InstancedShaderBase.h | |
Mesh.h | |
MeshInstance.h | |
PointerDeclarations.h | File containing forward declarations for renderer types and smart pointers |
RenderableInterface.h | |
Renderer.h | |
RendererCommon.h | Header declaring and including types common to renderer classes such as Vector2. Also includes GL headers and forward declarations for renderer types |
RenderList.h | |
RenderNode.h | |
Shader.h | |
ShaderBase.h | |
SingletonInstancedShaderBase.h | |
SpriteShader.h | |
Texture.h | |
DebugManager.h | |
Doxygen.h | |
Game.h | |
LevelProgression.h | |
LevelProgressionList.h | |
PlayerProfile.h | |
QmlConstants.h | |
UiInternal.h | |