►Ncom | |
►Ngoogle | |
►Nfpl | |
►Nutils | |
►CGooglePlayServicesHelper | Helper class responsible for setting up the GoogleApiClient object and managing its lifecycle for activities |
CSignInFailureReason | Represents the reason for a sign-in failure |
CSignInListener | Listener for sign-in success or failure events |
CSoundManager | Controls the background audio tracks that need gapless playback and looping on Android devices |
►Nvoltair | |
CVoltAirActivity | Subclass of QtActivity to provide Android-specific functionality |
►NUtil | Frequently used static utility functions |
CQQmlListPropertyOnQList | Helper class which creates QQmlListProperty objects directly on QList members fields |
CAccelerator | A sensor region which accelerates any body that comes in contact with it |
CAcceleratorLogic | Accelerates Bodys that are in contact with the AcceleratorLogic's actor in the direction that they are moving |
CAchievement | Representation of a Google Play Games Services achievement |
CActor | Representation of an entity within the Game scene |
CActorEmitterLogic | Spawns Actors of QML type actorModel into the Game's QML tree through Level::addActor() |
CAndroidActivity | JNI interface for the main Android activity |
CAnimatedImageRenderer | Graphic based on ImageRenderer which displays a frame animation from a texture sheet |
CAsteroid | A large kinematic actor that rotates and is magnetic |
CAsteroidSmall | A small kinematic actor that rotates and is magnetic |
CAsteroidTiny | A tiny kinematic actor that rotates and is magnetic |
CAttribute | The definition of a vertex attribute, such as a position vector, or a texture coordinate |
►CAttributeArray | A helper class to access and iterate over an interleaved vertex attribute array |
CIterator | An iterator over a vertex attribute array |
CAttributeSet | A list of vertex attributes |
CBackground | Fullscreen graphic in the menu that is behind all other layers |
CBody | A QObject container for a Box2D b2Body |
CBumper | A polygon actor that kicks back any body that comes in contact with it |
CCamera | QQuickItem which represents the Camera into the game world |
CCameraMovementLogic | Logic to make the camera follow the bounding box of all Actor::PlayerActors |
CCinematic | Video that is skipped by valid player input |
CCircleBody | A QObject container for a Box2D b2Body that represents a circle |
CConfirmDialog | Simple dialog for confirming or canceling an action |
CContactEvent | Raised when two Bodys begin or end contact with each other |
CContactListener | Handler for notifications of ContactEvents from the b2World |
CContactTrigger | Listens to ContactEvents between the parent Actor's Body and another body of the specified ActorType |
CControllerEvent | A platform independent event generated by controller device |
CControllerFactory | Base interface for constructing virtual controllers from a deviceId |
►CControllerManager | Maintains global list of connected controllers and notifies registered listeners of changes in these statuses |
CDeviceConnectionListener | Interface for listening to changes in device connection statuses |
CStaticDeviceConnectionListener | Helper factory class to generate a new DeviceConnectionListerer instance for a static callback function |
CDebugHud | Item that renders on top of all others and presents information for debugging |
CDebugManager | Class to manage debug options defined in debug.json data file |
CDebugMetricsMonitor | Tracks and provides mechanisms for reporting various debug metrics |
CDebugRenderer | A class with helper methods for rendering primitives like lines, for debug visualization |
CDestructionListener | Handler for object destruction notifications in b2World |
CDirectTexture | A texture which points to a user managed GL texture object |
►CEmitterLogic | Abstract base class to spawn generic entities into the Game based on configurable parameters |
CSpawnParameters | Parameters to use for creating and initializing spawned entities |
CEngine | The singleton object responsible for game execution |
CEnvironment | Grouping of related LevelInfos together into an logical, ordered list |
CGame | The top-level Game object for VoltAir |
CGameInputLogic | Logic that synchronously polls global controller state and changes the parent Actor's inputForce and magnetized dynamic properties accordingly |
►CGamepadRouter | Routes gamepad-related ControllerEvents according to inherent GamepadControllerFactory specifications |
CGamepadControllerFactory | Factory for constructing VirtualControllers to represent gamepad devices as controllers |
►CGraphic | Base class for visual elements which are part of the game scene, and are rendered through Renderer |
CRenderParameters | Struct containing the accumulated result of getFlattenedRenderParameters() |
CGrayscaleShaderEffect | A shader effect that renders an item in grayscale |
CImageRenderer | Graphic which displays a texture as an image |
CInputArea | Ui module for gaining basic input event (i.e. keyboard) support on non-Android devices |
CInputRouter | Routes ControllerEvents according to inherent ControllerFactory specifications |
CInputScheme | Represents a scheme mapping generic input "events" to output "actions" |
CInstancedShader | Shader which has instanced values for uniforms and other GL state |
CInstancedShaderBase | Helper class to implement InstancedShader subclasses, by managing a shared Shader |
CInterpolationLogic | Interpolates target's targetProperty value between beginValue and endValue |
CJavaScriptLogic | Extends Logic to include custom behavior defined via JavaScript code in Qml files |
CJoint | A constraint between two Bodys |
CJoints | Factory class for creating Joints from QML |
CJoystickAxisScheme | Represents a scheme mapping input joystick axes to output actions |
►CKeyboardRouter | Routes Keyboard-related ControllerEvents according to inherent KeyboardControllerFactory specifications |
CKeyboardControllerFactory | Factory for constructing VirtualControllers to represent keyboard devices as controllers |
CKeyNavFocusArea | Item that handles focus navigation |
CKeyScheme | Represents a scheme mapping keyboard input to output actions |
CLevel | Representation of an in-game level |
CLevelInfo | Metadata for a Level |
CLevelProgression | Grouping of related Environments together into a logical, ordered list |
CLevelProgressionList | Collection of LevelProgressions |
CLevelSelectionMenu | Menu which allows the player to choose which level they want to enter |
CLiquidFunDebugDraw | Implementation of b2Draw which renders objects (body fixtures, particles, etc.) using DebugRenderer |
CLoadingScreen | Screen that displays a looping animation until the next level has loaded |
CLogic | Non-visual entities in the QML item tree that define behavior for their parent Actor |
CMagneticAttractorLogic | Logic which pulls its parent actor in the direction of magnetic Bodys and also attracting them towards our Body |
CMagneticHighlight | A Graphic based on ImageRenderer that gradually becomes visible if something magnetic is nearby |
CMagneticHighlightLogic | Class which mediates between magnetic attractors and magnet visual effects on target objects |
Cmain | Root of the Engine's QML tree that instantiates the basic top-level items needed for a game: a Camera, a level Loader , and an InputArea for handling input events |
CMaskShaderEffect | A shader effect that masks one texture with another |
CMenuButton | A selectable text button that fires an action when released |
CMenuCard | A playing card shaped graphical button that fires an action when released |
CMenuIcon | Simple graphical button that fires an action when released |
CMesh | Mesh composed of vertices, and attributes for each vertex |
CMeshInstance | Mesh bound to a specific Shader |
CMultiPlayerFillBar | Progress bar that shows the proportion of Snowflakes attained out of the total needed |
CMultiPlayerHud | Overlays the screen during multiplayer play and provides information on game progress |
CMultiPlayerScoringScreen | Displays the results of a multiplayer game |
CMultiTouchMenuIcon | Icon for use in handling multi-touch events |
CMultiTouchMenuIconManager | Manager for the state of a set of MultiTouchMenuIcons |
COrb | A sensor actor that awards a point when contacted |
COverlay | Gray translucent layer used to separate two overlapping scenes |
CParallaxTransformItem | QQuickItem which applies a translation to children, giving the illusion of parallax scrolling |
CParticle | Wrapper around a LiquidFun particle |
CParticleEmitter | Emits water particles |
CParticleEmitterLogic | Spawns WaterParticles into the world (i.e. an unbounded WaterParticleSet) |
CParticleLayer | Wrapper around a b2ParticleSystem , which represents an independent layer of particles |
CParticleRendererItem | Graphic which renders LiquidFun particles as blobs with a variety of effects |
CParticleShaderParams | Structure holding the state for shaders used in ParticleRenderItem |
CPauseMenu | Menu displayed when the game is paused |
CPickupLogic | Defines a behavior that, when added to an Actor, makes it "collectable" |
CPlayerManager | Manages a mapping from unique player identifiers to different controllers that connect and disconnect throughout the game |
CPlayerProfile | Represents a player's profile or "save game" state |
CPolygon | Container Actor for a single PolygonBody |
CPolygonBody | A QObject container for a Box2D b2Body that represents a polygon |
CPolygonMesh | Class storing a renderable mesh, instantiable from QML |
CPolygonVertexAttributeArray | Class storing the values in a vertex attribute array, instantiable from QML |
CPortal | Progresses the game to the next level when this actor is contacted by a player |
CQmlConstants | This class defines constants to be used in Qml |
CQmlUtil | QML accessible versions of the Util functions |
CRenderableInterface | Callback set in a RenderNode which can be used to issues draw calls |
CRenderer | Class managing GL state switches and draw calls |
CRenderList | List of RenderNodes, sorted by z-depth for rendering |
CRenderNode | Node which queues a callback (RenderableInterface) or MeshInstance for rendering |
CRevoluteJoint | A constraint that fixes the distance between each Bodys anchor point |
CRobot | Player controlled robot that rolls and magnetizes |
CRobotGraphics | A container class for the components used to render Robot |
CRollingMovementLogic | Logic which exerts force in a specified direction, causing the actor to roll in that direction |
CSelfDetachingJNIEnv | Smart wrapper around JNIEnv which retains information of how the environment was loaded |
CShader | Shader program abstract base class |
CShaderBase | Implementation of Shader which compiles itself from shader code |
CSimpleFillBar | Progress bar that shows the proportion of amountFilled out of the total capacity |
CSimpleFillBarSmall | Progress bar that shows the proportion of amountFilled out of the total capacity |
CSimpleFrame | A stylized window that typically holds other UI components |
CSimpleListMenu | Scrollable list that contains Items |
CSinglePlayerFillBar | Progress bar that shows the proportion of Orbs attained out of the total possible |
CSinglePlayerHud | Overlays the screen during single player play and provides additional information for the game |
CSinglePlayerScoringScreen | Scoring screen presented after completing a single player level that lets the player navigate to menus or continue playing |
CSingletonInstancedShaderBase | A helper to define singletons for InstancedShaders |
CSnowflake | A magnetic sensor actor that awards a point when contacted |
CSnowflakeEmitter | Emits Snowflakes |
CSoundEffectInstance | An instance of a sound effect |
CSoundManager | Controls the sound effects and background music (BGM) audio tracks needed to be played during the game |
CSpriteShader | Shader use by Renderer to draw textured rectangles (sprites) |
CStopwatchLogic | Defines a stopwatch which triggers any callbacks connected to timeElapsed() after time game-time seconds have elapsed |
CTerrainMaterialDef | Definition of a terrain material |
CTerrainMaterials | Class managing a collection of TerrainMaterialDefs |
CTerrainMeshRenderer | Graphic which performs rendering of a terrain mesh |
CTerrainShader | InstancedShader which does a multi-texture blend between up to three Textures, to render terrain meshes |
CTerrainShaderKey | Selector key which picks the specific terrain shader variant to use |
CTexture | Texture abstract base class |
CTextureManager | Class which loads and caches Textures |
CThoughtBubble | A thought bubble that follows the actor around and displays hints to the player |
CToast | Simple popup that fades in and out after a set duration |
►CTouchNavigationRouter | Routes gamepad-related ControllerEvents according to inherent TouchNativationControllerFactory specifications |
CTouchNavigationControllerFactory | Factory for constructing VirtualControllers to represent touch navigation devices as controllers |
CTouchScreenButtonController | Ui element item that defines the basis for a visual and touch based VirtualController |
CTrigger | Listens for one or more events (TriggerEvent) and calls an event handler (handleEvent()) in response to received events |
CTriggerArea | A sensor area that triggers an action |
CTriggerAxisScheme | Represents a scheme mapping input trigger axes to output actions |
CTriggerEvent | Abstract base class for events which can be handled by Triggers |
CUi | The top-level UI object |
CUiComponent | Base class for UI sub-components that provides an API for showing, hiding, and focus changes |
CUiInternal | Internal backing C++ class for the Ui QML item |
CVariantConverter | Helper template class to convert QVariants to and from a specific type, for example, QPointFs |
CVariantConverter< int > | Helper template class to convert QVariants to and from ints |
CVariantConverter< QJsonObject > | Helper template class to convert QVariants to and from QJsonObjects |
CVariantConverter< QMap< QString, T > > | Helper template class to convert QVariantMaps to and from QMaps with a convertable value type T |
CVariantConverter< QPointF > | Helper template class to convert QVariants to and from QPointFs |
CVariantConverter< QSet< T > > | Helper template class to convert QVariantLists to and from QSets with a convertable value type T |
CVariantConverter< QString > | Helper template class to convert QVariants to and from QStrings |
CVariantConverterBase | Base template class for VariantConverter |
CVirtualController | Software represention and state capable of describing almost all physical controllers |
CVoltAirController | Ui element item that defines a multi-touch based VirtualController for use in VoltAir |
CVoltAirLevelProgressionList | Map of all levels in their environments |
CVoltAirText | Container for text with default style settings and a drop shadow |
CWaterBody | A standing body of water |
CWaterBodyLogic | Creates a body of water formed from WaterParticles |
CWaterParticle | A Particle which destroys itself after a decay time has elapsed |
CWaterParticleSet | A collection of WaterParticles which can perform updates each frame |
CWeldJoint | A constraint that fixes the relative positions of two Bodys |