static SelfDetachingJNIEnv | getEnv (JavaVM *vm=nullptr) |
| Returns the current JNI environment. More...
static JavaVM * | getJavaVM () |
| Returns the currently cached reference to the JVM. More...
static jobject | getActivity () |
| Returns the currently cached reference to the Android activity. More...
static jclass | getActivityClass (JNIEnv *env, jobject activity=nullptr) |
| Returns a cached global reference to the Android activity class. More...
static bool | isStarted () |
| Returns whether or not the Android activity has been started previously, meaning all future JNI calls should be safe to make. More...
static void | onCreate (JNIEnv *jni, jobject activity) |
| Android activity onCreate lifecycle callback. More...
static void | onStart () |
| Android activity onStart lifecycle callback. More...
static void | onResume () |
| Android activity onResume lifecycle callback. More...
static void | onPause () |
| Android activity onPause lifecycle callback. More...
static void | onStop () |
| Android activity onStop lifecycle callback. More...
static void | onDestroy (JNIEnv *jni, jobject activity) |
| Android activity onDestroy lifecycle callback. More...
static void | onControllerDisconnect (JNIEnv *, jobject, int deviceId) |
| Android activity onControllerDisconnect callback indicating that a device identified by deviceId has disconnected. More...
static bool | onGamepadMotionEvent (JNIEnv *jni, jobject, jobject motionEvent) |
| Android activity onGamepadMotionEvent callback for an Android MotionEvent that originated from a gamepad device. More...
static bool | onGamepadKeyEvent (JNIEnv *jni, jobject, jobject keyEvent) |
| Android activity onGamepadKeyEvent callback for an Android KeyEvent that originated from a gamepad device. More...
static bool | onTouchNavigationMotionEvent (JNIEnv *jni, jobject, jobject motionEvent) |
| Android activity onTouchNavigationMotionEvent callback for an Android MotionEvent that originated from a touch navigation device. More...
static bool | onTouchNavigationKeyEvent (JNIEnv *jni, jobject, jobject keyEvent) |
| Android activity onTouchNavigationKeyEvent callback for an Android KeyEvent that originated from a touch navigation device. More...
static bool | onKeyboardKeyEvent (JNIEnv *jni, jobject, jobject keyEvent) |
| Android activity onKeyboardKeyEvent callback for an Android KeyEvent that originated from a keyboard device. More...
static void | onSignedIntoCloudChanged (JNIEnv *, jobject, bool signedIntoCloud) |
| Android activity onSignedIntoCloudChanged callback indicating that cloud (i.e. GPGS) sign-in status has changed. More...
static void | onCloudDataLoaded (JNIEnv *jni, jobject, int statusCode, jstring javaData) |
| Android activity onCloudDataLoaded callback when cloud (i.e. GPGS) save data has been loaded. More...
static jstring | onCloudDataConflict (JNIEnv *jni, jobject, jstring local, jstring cloud) |
| Android activity onCloudDataConflict callback indicating a conflict of cloud (i.e. GPGS) save data has been detected while loading. More...
static bool | isSignedIntoCloud () |
| Returns true if currently signed into the cloud (i.e. GPGS). More...
static bool | cloudSignInFailed () |
| Returns true if the most recent cloud (i.e. GPGS) sign in attempt failed. More...
static void | signIntoCloud () |
| Begins asynchronous cloud (i.e. GPGS) sign in. More...
static void | signOutOfCloud () |
| Signs out of cloud (i.e. GPGS). More...
static bool | ensureCloudSync () |
| Starts a cloud (i.e. GPGS) save game data sync. More...
static void | saveToCloud (const QString &data) |
| Saves p data to the cloud (i.e. GPGS). More...
static void | clearCloudData () |
| Resets any cloud (i.e. GPGS) save game data. More...
static bool | revealAchievement (const QString &name) |
| Reveals a GPGS achievement. More...
static bool | unlockAchievement (const QString &name) |
| Unlocks a GPGS achievement. More...
static bool | incrementAchievement (const QString &name, int numSteps) |
| Increments a GPGS incremental achievement. More...
static bool | setAchievementSteps (const QString &name, int minSteps) |
| Sets a GPGS incremental achievement to have a minimum number of steps. More...
static void | showAchievementsRequested () |
| Launch an intent to show the GPGS achievements activity screen. More...
static void | resetAchievementsRequested () |
| Resets all GPGS achievement progress for the currently signed in user account. More...
static QString | getVersionName () |
| Returns the version string of the Android application. More...
static long | getMemoryUsed () |
| Returns the number of bytes allocated for the native heap. More...
static int | getTouchScreenDeviceId () |
| Returns the hardware deviceId of the touch screen input device, or -1 if none. More...
static void | clearBGMTrack (int priority) |
| Clears the Android SoundManager's BGM track at the specified priority level. More...
static void | setBGMTrack (int priority, const QString &track) |
| Sets the Android SoundManager's BGM track at the specified priority level to track . More...
static bool | isBGMMuted () |
| Returns whether or not the Android SoundManager's background music is muted. More...
static void | setBGMMuted (bool value) |
| Sets the Android SoundManager's muted state. More...
static void | setBGMPaused (bool value) |
| Sets the Android SoundManager's paused state. More...
static void | setTrackerScreenName (const QString &screenName, bool sendScreenView=true) |
| Sets the Google Analytics screen name and optionally sends a screen view hit. More...
static void | sendTrackerEvent (const QString &category, const QString &action) |
| Sends an event hit to Google Analytics. More...
static void | sendTrackerEvent (const QString &category, const QString &action, const QString &label) |
| Sends an event hit to Google Analytics. More...
static void | sendTrackerEvent (const QString &category, const QString &action, const QString &label, long value) |
| Sends an event hit to Google Analytics. More...
static void | sendTrackerEvent (const QString &category, const QString &action, long value) |
| Sends an event hit to Google Analytics. More...