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Namespaces | Classes
Engine library classes

Modules that define the game Engine. More...


 Namespace containing frequently used static helper functions related to Box2D.
 Frequently used constants.
 Frequently used, static, graphics-related utility functions.
 Frequently used static utility functions.


class  Achievement
 Representation of a Google Play Games Services achievement. More...
class  Actor
 Representation of an entity within the Game scene. More...
class  AndroidActivity
 JNI interface for the main Android activity. More...
class  SelfDetachingJNIEnv
 Smart wrapper around JNIEnv which retains information of how the environment was loaded. More...
class  SoundEffectInstance
 An instance of a sound effect. More...
class  SoundManager
 Controls the sound effects and background music (BGM) audio tracks needed to be played during the game. More...
class  CircleBody
 A QObject container for a Box2D b2Body that represents a circle. More...
class  PolygonBody
 A QObject container for a Box2D b2Body that represents a polygon. More...
class  Body
 A QObject container for a Box2D b2Body. More...
class  Camera
 QQuickItem which represents the Camera into the game world. More...
class  Engine
 The singleton object responsible for game execution. More...
class  Environment
 Grouping of related LevelInfos together into an logical, ordered list. More...
class  AnimatedImageRenderer
 Graphic based on ImageRenderer which displays a frame animation from a texture sheet. More...
class  Graphic
 Base class for visual elements which are part of the game scene, and are rendered through Renderer. More...
class  ImageRenderer
 Graphic which displays a texture as an image. More...
class  LiquidFunDebugDraw
 Implementation of b2Draw which renders objects (body fixtures, particles, etc.) using DebugRenderer. More...
class  ParallaxTransformItem
 QQuickItem which applies a translation to children, giving the illusion of parallax scrolling. More...
struct  ParticleShaderParams
 Structure holding the state for shaders used in ParticleRenderItem. More...
class  PolygonMesh
 Class storing a renderable mesh, instantiable from QML. More...
class  PolygonVertexAttributeArray
 Class storing the values in a vertex attribute array, instantiable from QML. More...
class  TerrainMaterialDef
 Definition of a terrain material. More...
class  TerrainMaterials
 Class managing a collection of TerrainMaterialDefs. More...
class  TerrainMeshRenderer
 Graphic which performs rendering of a terrain mesh. More...
struct  TerrainShaderKey
 Selector key which picks the specific terrain shader variant to use. More...
class  TextureManager
 Class which loads and caches Textures. More...
class  InputArea
 Ui module for gaining basic input event (i.e. keyboard) support on non-Android devices. More...
class  TouchScreenButtonController
 Ui element item that defines the basis for a visual and touch based VirtualController. More...
class  Joint
 A constraint between two Bodys. More...
class  RevoluteJoint
 A constraint that fixes the distance between each Bodys anchor point. More...
class  WeldJoint
 A constraint that fixes the relative positions of two Bodys. More...
class  Joints
 Factory class for creating Joints from QML. More...
class  Level
 Representation of an in-game level. More...
class  LevelInfo
 Metadata for a Level. More...
class  Logic
 Non-visual entities in the QML item tree that define behavior for their parent Actor. More...
class  CameraMovementLogic
 Logic to make the camera follow the bounding box of all Actor::PlayerActors. More...
class  ContactEvent
 Raised when two Bodys begin or end contact with each other. More...
class  InterpolationLogic
 Interpolates target's targetProperty value between beginValue and endValue. More...
class  JavaScriptLogic
 Extends Logic to include custom behavior defined via JavaScript code in Qml files. More...
class  StopwatchLogic
 Defines a stopwatch which triggers any callbacks connected to timeElapsed() after time game-time seconds have elapsed. More...
class  Trigger
 Listens for one or more events (TriggerEvent) and calls an event handler (handleEvent()) in response to received events. More...
class  TriggerEvent
 Abstract base class for events which can be handled by Triggers. More...
class  ContactTrigger
 Listens to ContactEvents between the parent Actor's Body and another body of the specified ActorType. More...
class  Particle
 Wrapper around a LiquidFun particle. More...
class  ParticleLayer
 Wrapper around a b2ParticleSystem, which represents an independent layer of particles. More...
class  WaterParticle
 A Particle which destroys itself after a decay time has elapsed. More...
class  WaterParticleSet
 A collection of WaterParticles which can perform updates each frame. More...
class  ContactListener
 Handler for notifications of ContactEvents from the b2World. More...
class  DebugMetricsMonitor
 Tracks and provides mechanisms for reporting various debug metrics. More...
class  DestructionListener
 Handler for object destruction notifications in b2World. More...
class  QmlUtil
 QML accessible versions of the Util functions. More...
class  Util::QQmlListPropertyOnQList< TObject, TData, TListType, TObjectField, TChangeFunc >
 Helper class which creates QQmlListProperty objects directly on QList members fields. More...
class  VariantConverterBase< T >
 Base template class for VariantConverter. More...
class  VariantConverter< T >
 Helper template class to convert QVariants to and from a specific type, for example, QPointFs. More...
class  VariantConverter< int >
 Helper template class to convert QVariants to and from ints. More...
class  VariantConverter< QString >
 Helper template class to convert QVariants to and from QStrings. More...
class  VariantConverter< QJsonObject >
 Helper template class to convert QVariants to and from QJsonObjects. More...
class  VariantConverter< QPointF >
 Helper template class to convert QVariants to and from QPointFs. More...
class  VariantConverter< QMap< QString, T > >
 Helper template class to convert QVariantMaps to and from QMaps with a convertable value type T. More...
class  VariantConverter< QSet< T > >
 Helper template class to convert QVariantLists to and from QSets with a convertable value type T. More...

Detailed Description

Modules that define the game Engine.

These are the classes that represent VoltAir's game engine. The files are entirely located in the "Engine" directory of the source code tree. Although the code in this sub-tree is almost entirely devoid of any references to the game, it is not entirely clear of them, unfortunately. There is still some separation work to be done.