تهيئة gnrt_config.toml

Alongside Cargo.toml is gnrt_config.toml. This contains Chromium-specific extensions to crate handling.

If you add a new crate, you should specify at least the group. This is one of:

#   'safe': The library satisfies the rule-of-2 and can be used in any process.
#   'sandbox': The library does not satisfy the rule-of-2 and must be used in
#              a sandboxed process such as the renderer or a utility process.
#   'test': The library is only used in tests.

For instance,

group = 'test' # only used in test code

Depending on the crate source code layout, you may also need to use this file to specify where its LICENSE file(s) can be found.

Later, we’ll see some other things you will need to configure in this file to resolve problems.