設定 gnrt_config.toml

除了 Cargo.toml,還有 gnrt_config.toml。這包含用來處理 Crate 的 Chromium 專屬擴充功能。

新增 Crate 時,應至少指定 group,可以是以下其中一個:

#   'safe': The library satisfies the rule-of-2 and can be used in any process.
#   'sandbox': The library does not satisfy the rule-of-2 and must be used in
#              a sandboxed process such as the renderer or a utility process.
#   'test': The library is only used in tests.


group = 'test' # only used in test code

視 Crate 原始碼布局而定,您可能也需要使用這個檔案指定其 `LICENSE 檔案的位置。
