歡迎使用 Rust 的並行程式設計
Rust 使用 OS 執行緒搭配著互斥鎖和通道來完整支援並行處理。
在將許多執行期並行錯誤轉換為編譯期錯誤的過程中,Rust 型別系統扮演了 重要角色。這通常稱為「無懼並行」,因為你可以依賴編譯器, 確保執行期能夠正確運作。
Speaker Notes
- Rust lets us access OS concurrency toolkit: threads, sync. primitives, etc.
- The type system gives us safety for concurrency without any special features.
- The same tools that help with "concurrent" access in a single thread (e.g., a called function that might mutate an argument or save references to it to read later) save us from multi-threading issues.