歡迎參加第 2 天課程
Now that we have seen a fair amount of Rust, today will focus on Rust's type system:
- Pattern matching: extracting data from structures.
- 方法:將函式與型別建立關聯。
- 特徵:由多種型別共用的行為。
- 泛型:在其他型別上將型別參數化。
- 標準程式庫的型別和特徵:一覽 Rust 豐富的標準程式庫。
Including 10 minute breaks, this session should take about 2 hours and 50 minutes. It contains:
Segment | Duration |
歡迎 | 3 minutes |
模式配對 | 1 hour |
Read 和 Write | 45 minutes |
泛型 | 40 minutes |