
Async methods in traits are were stabilized only recently, in the 1.75 release. This required support for using return-position impl Trait (RPIT) in traits, as the desugaring for async fn includes -> impl Future<Output = ...>.

However, even with the native support today there are some pitfalls around async fn and RPIT in traits:

  • Return-position impl Trait captures all in-scope lifetimes (so some patterns of borrowing cannot be expressed)

  • Traits whose methods use return-position impl trait or async are not dyn compatible.

如果需要 dyn 支援,Crate async_trait 提供採用巨集的解決方法(但有些要注意的地方):


Speaker Notes

  • async_trait 相當容易使用,但請注意,它是運用堆積分配來達成此效果。這種堆積分配會造成效能負擔。

  • 有關 async trait 語言支援的困難處涉及艱深的 Rust,可能不適合深入介紹。如有興趣深入探究,可以參閱 Niko Matsakis 的這篇文章,說明得相當清楚。

  • 嘗試建立新的休眠程式結構體,讓該結構體隨機決定休眠時間長度,然後將其新增至 Vec。