練習:GUI 程式庫的模組

在本練習中,您將重新編排小型的 GUI 程式庫實作項目。這個程式庫定義了 Widget 特徵、該特徵的幾個實作項目,以及 main 函式。

通常,每種型別 (或一組密切相關的型別) 會放入各自的模組中,因此每個小工具型別應該都有自己的模組。

Cargo Setup

Rust Playground 僅支援一個檔案,因此您需要在本機檔案系統中建立 Cargo 專案:

cargo init gui-modules
cd gui-modules
cargo run

請編輯產生的 src/main.rs,新增 mod 陳述式並在 src 目錄中新增其他檔案。


以下是 GUI 程式庫的單一模組實作項目:

pub trait Widget {
    /// Natural width of `self`.
    fn width(&self) -> usize;

    /// Draw the widget into a buffer.
    fn draw_into(&self, buffer: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write);

    /// Draw the widget on standard output.
    fn draw(&self) {
        let mut buffer = String::new();
        self.draw_into(&mut buffer);

pub struct Label {
    label: String,

impl Label {
    fn new(label: &str) -> Label {
        Label { label: label.to_owned() }

pub struct Button {
    label: Label,

impl Button {
    fn new(label: &str) -> Button {
        Button { label: Label::new(label) }

pub struct Window {
    title: String,
    widgets: Vec<Box<dyn Widget>>,

impl Window {
    fn new(title: &str) -> Window {
        Window { title: title.to_owned(), widgets: Vec::new() }

    fn add_widget(&mut self, widget: Box<dyn Widget>) {

    fn inner_width(&self) -> usize {
            self.widgets.iter().map(|w| w.width()).max().unwrap_or(0),

impl Widget for Window {
    fn width(&self) -> usize {
        // Add 4 paddings for borders
        self.inner_width() + 4

    fn draw_into(&self, buffer: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write) {
        let mut inner = String::new();
        for widget in &self.widgets {
            widget.draw_into(&mut inner);

        let inner_width = self.inner_width();

        // TODO: Change draw_into to return Result<(), std::fmt::Error>. Then use the
        // ?-operator here instead of .unwrap().
        writeln!(buffer, "+-{:-<inner_width$}-+", "").unwrap();
        writeln!(buffer, "| {:^inner_width$} |", &self.title).unwrap();
        writeln!(buffer, "+={:=<inner_width$}=+", "").unwrap();
        for line in inner.lines() {
            writeln!(buffer, "| {:inner_width$} |", line).unwrap();
        writeln!(buffer, "+-{:-<inner_width$}-+", "").unwrap();

impl Widget for Button {
    fn width(&self) -> usize {
        self.label.width() + 8 // add a bit of padding

    fn draw_into(&self, buffer: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write) {
        let width = self.width();
        let mut label = String::new();
        self.label.draw_into(&mut label);

        writeln!(buffer, "+{:-<width$}+", "").unwrap();
        for line in label.lines() {
            writeln!(buffer, "|{:^width$}|", &line).unwrap();
        writeln!(buffer, "+{:-<width$}+", "").unwrap();

impl Widget for Label {
    fn width(&self) -> usize {
        self.label.lines().map(|line| line.chars().count()).max().unwrap_or(0)

    fn draw_into(&self, buffer: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write) {
        writeln!(buffer, "{}", &self.label).unwrap();

fn main() {
    let mut window = Window::new("Rust GUI Demo 1.23");
    window.add_widget(Box::new(Label::new("This is a small text GUI demo.")));
    window.add_widget(Box::new(Button::new("Click me!")));
This slide and its sub-slides should take about 15 minutes.

請鼓勵學生以自在的方式分割程式碼,習慣必要的 modusepub 宣告。之後,討論哪些組織結構最為慣用。