연습문제: GUI 라이브러리 모듈

In this exercise, you will reorganize a small GUI Library implementation. This library defines a Widget trait and a few implementations of that trait, as well as a main function.

It is typical to put each type or set of closely-related types into its own module, so each widget type should get its own module.

Cargo Setup

Rust 플레이그라운드는 하나의 파일만 지원하므로 로컬 파일 시스템에 Cargo 프로젝트를 만들어야 합니다.

cargo init gui-modules
cd gui-modules
cargo run

Edit the resulting src/main.rs to add mod statements, and add additional files in the src directory.


Here’s the single-module implementation of the GUI library:

pub trait Widget {
    /// `self`의 자연 너비
    fn width(&self) -> usize;

    /// 버퍼에 위젯을 그립니다.
    fn draw_into(&self, buffer: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write);

    /// 표준 출력에 위젯을 그립니다.
    fn draw(&self) {
        let mut buffer = String::new();
        self.draw_into(&mut buffer);

pub struct Label {
    label: String,

impl Label {
    fn new(label: &str) -> Label {
        Label { label: label.to_owned() }

pub struct Button {
    label: Label,

impl Button {
    fn new(label: &str) -> Button {
        Button { label: Label::new(label) }

pub struct Window {
    title: String,
    widgets: Vec<Box<dyn Widget>>,

impl Window {
    fn new(title: &str) -> Window {
        Window { title: title.to_owned(), widgets: Vec::new() }

    fn add_widget(&mut self, widget: Box<dyn Widget>) {

    fn inner_width(&self) -> usize {
            self.widgets.iter().map(|w| w.width()).max().unwrap_or(0),

impl Widget for Window {
    fn width(&self) -> usize {
        // 테두리용 패딩 4개 추가
        self.inner_width() + 4

    fn draw_into(&self, buffer: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write) {
        let mut inner = String::new();
        for widget in &self.widgets {
            widget.draw_into(&mut inner);

        let inner_width = self.inner_width();

        // TODO: Change draw_into to return Result<(), std::fmt::Error>. Then use the
        // ?-operator here instead of .unwrap().
        writeln!(buffer, "+-{:-<inner_width$}-+", "").unwrap();
        writeln!(buffer, "| {:^inner_width$} |", &self.title).unwrap();
        writeln!(buffer, "+={:=<inner_width$}=+", "").unwrap();
        for line in inner.lines() {
            writeln!(buffer, "| {:inner_width$} |", line).unwrap();
        writeln!(buffer, "+-{:-<inner_width$}-+", "").unwrap();

impl Widget for Button {
    fn width(&self) -> usize {
        self.label.width() + 8 // 패딩을 약간 추가합니다.

    fn draw_into(&self, buffer: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write) {
        let width = self.width();
        let mut label = String::new();
        self.label.draw_into(&mut label);

        writeln!(buffer, "+{:-<width$}+", "").unwrap();
        for line in label.lines() {
            writeln!(buffer, "|{:^width$}|", &line).unwrap();
        writeln!(buffer, "+{:-<width$}+", "").unwrap();

impl Widget for Label {
    fn width(&self) -> usize {
        self.label.lines().map(|line| line.chars().count()).max().unwrap_or(0)

    fn draw_into(&self, buffer: &mut dyn std::fmt::Write) {
        writeln!(buffer, "{}", &self.label).unwrap();

fn main() {
    let mut window = Window::new("Rust GUI 데모 1.23");
    window.add_widget(Box::new(Label::new("작은 텍스트 GUI 데모입니다.")));
    window.add_widget(Box::new(Button::new("클릭해 주세요!")));
This slide and its sub-slides should take about 15 minutes.

학생들에게는 본인에게 자연스러운 방식으로 코드를 나누도록 권장하세요. 그리고나서 필요한 mod, use, pub 선언에 익숙해지도록 합니다. 그런 다음 어떤 구성이 가장 자연스러운지 논의합니다.