Magritte Codelab

  1. Prerequisites
    1. Bazel
    2. Abseil
  2. A command line tool to deidentify image files
    1. Introduction
    2. First steps
    3. Loading a graph
    4. Using the graph to process an image
    5. Running the binary
    6. Variations
      1. Asynchronous Processing
      2. Using a GPU
  3. A command line tool to deidentify videos
    1. Reading and writing a video
    2. Timestamped vs. non-timestamped processing methods
  4. Further reading
    1. Creating your own graphs
    2. Partial processing (detection or redaction only)

Welcome to the Magritte codelab! In this codelab you’ll learn how to use Magritte to write a simple command line tool to redact faces from an image file. Later you’ll also learn how to apply this to videos and how to customize the redaction. For more advanced topics, the text will point you to other parts of the documentation.

This codelab is written in C++. We will add codelabs for other languages later.

TODO: Add codelabs for other languages.


Please have a look at the installation instructions to install necessary prerequisites.


This codelab assumes that you are familiar with Bazel. See the Bazel C++ tutorial for an introduction to using Bazel to build C++ projects.

We assume that you have a Bazel workspace set up (the tutorial linked above explains how to do that). Your WORKSPACE needs to reference Magritte as an external dependency, and since Bazel doesn’t support transitive external dependencies, it also needs to list all of Magritte’s dependencies. We recommend that you just copy Magritte’s WORKSPACE file, change the workspace name, replace all occurrences of @// with @magritte//, and add Magritte as a dependency by appending the following to the file:

    name = "magritte",
    path = "/full/path/to/where/you/installed/magritte",


Magritte makes use of the Abseil C++ library collection. Most importantly it uses Abseil Status for error handling. If you’re not familiar with Abseil Status, we recommend having a look.

We also use macros defined by MediaPipe for convenient handling of Abseil statuses. There are two of those, MP_RETURN_IF_ERROR and ASSIGN_OR_RETURN, and we recommend having a look at their documentation too.

A command line tool to deidentify image files

Here you will learn step by step how to write a simple command line tool to treat images. If you don’t want to read the text, you can just have a look at the final code.


Magritte is based on MediaPipe, but for now you only need the following two notions about MediaPipe:

An entity that defines how images or other types of content are treated. For example, a graph could define that images are rotated by 180 degrees, or some filter effect is applied – or that faces are redacted in a certain way. For now all you need to know about graphs is that they exist. We will go into more detail later.
A class defined by MediaPipe to deal with images. For practical purposes, you can think of it as a wrapper around OpenCV matrices, a common image container class, although this is not the only way to use it. Its source code contains more information, and you can use the function in image_frame_opencv.h to convert between ImageFrames and OpenCV matrices.

First steps

Let’s start by creating a simple C++ binary. In this example we will call many functions that return absl::Status or similar, and to make it easier to deal with those, we create a Run function returning absl::Status itself that we call from the main function.

Create two new files in a Bazel workspace:

  • File

    #include "mediapipe/framework/port/logging.h"
    #include "absl/status/status.h"
    absl::Status Run() {
      return absl::OkStatus();
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
      absl::Status status = Run();
      return status.raw_code();
  • File BUILD:

        name = "magritte_deidentify_image",
        srcs = [""],
        deps = [

We will now learn how to choose a graph, load it, and apply it to an ImageFrame.

Loading a graph

As explained before, images will be processed by a MediaPipe graph. Magritte comes with ready-made graphs for you, and we will just use one of them. Later you will learn how to make your own graphs.

Let’s begin by choosing a graph. There are two main types of graphs in Magritte: Top-level graphs and subgraphs. For treating an image, we need a top-level graph. Subgraphs are meant for more specialized use cases and we will ignore them for now (see the concepts page for more information). On the graphs page you can see an overview of all the graphs that Magritte defines. Head to that page and have a look at the top-level graphs described there, and choose one that you want to try out in this codelab. Please choose a graph ending in Cpu, we will cover the Gpu ones later.

Let’s assume you’ve chosen FacePixelizationOfflineCpu. Now let’s load this graph in our binary.

At the end of the description of your graph on the graphs page you will find a list of build targets, one of which is called “Graph cc_library”. Add this target to the deps of your cc_binary in your BUILD file.

We can then call the MagritteGraphByName function from magritte_api_factory.h to obtain the graph with this name:

// Inside the Run() function:
ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(mediapipe::CalculatorGraphConfig graph_config,

You also need to add these includes

#include "magritte/api/magritte_api_factory.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator.pb.h"

and add dependencies in your BUILD file (only showing new entries):

    name = "magritte_deidentify_image",
    # [...]
    deps = [
        # [...]

Using the graph to process an image

For treating images, Magritte defines a simple interface: DeidentifierSync. It contains a method Deidentify which (essentially) takes an image and returns the resulting treated image.

To obtain such a DeidentifierSync, use the factory methods defined in magritte_api_factory.h. They take a graph as input, which we already know how to load.

Let’s add this to our file.

// Inside the Run() function (new code only):
// Create DeidentifierSync

We now have a DeidentifierSync that operates on ImageFrames. We just need to obtain an ImageFrame. As said above, you can use the function in image_frame_opencvx.h to convert between ImageFrames and OpenCV matrices, so if you’re working with OpenCV in your project that’s the approach you should take. For convenience, we’ve created a small image_io_util library that allows you to read and write image files into/from ImageFrames (note that it only works for specific image formats, see the comments in the file). Let’s use that to read a file, pass the resulting ImageFrame into the Deidentify function of the DeidentifierSync we created, and save the resulting ImageFrame in an image file.

We thus complete our Run method to the following:

absl::Status Run(const std::string& input_file,
                 const std::string& output_file) {
  // [...]
  // Read image file into an ImageFrame.
  ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::unique_ptr<mediapipe::ImageFrame> image,
  // Deidentify the ImageFrame.
  ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::unique_ptr<mediapipe::ImageFrame> result,
  // Close the DeidentifierSync.
  // Save the result ImageFrame into a file.
  return magritte::SaveToFile(output_file, *result);

We can add command line flags for the input and output file names, and read them in the main function. Doing so, we arrive at the following complete code:

#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator.pb.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/port/logging.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/formats/image_frame.h"
#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "absl/flags/parse.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "magritte/api/magritte_api_factory.h"
#include "magritte/examples/codelab/image_io_util.h"

ABSL_FLAG(std::string, input_file, "", "input file path");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, output_file, "", "output file path");

absl::Status Run(const std::string& input_file,
                 const std::string& output_file) {
  ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(mediapipe::CalculatorGraphConfig graph_config,
  ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::unique_ptr<mediapipe::ImageFrame> image,
  ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(std::unique_ptr<mediapipe::ImageFrame> result,
  return magritte::SaveToFile(output_file, *result);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  absl::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
  std::string input_file = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_input_file);
  std::string output_file = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_output_file);
  absl::Status status = Run(input_file, output_file);
  LOG(INFO) << status;
  return status.raw_code();

Running the binary

The binary will need to load certain files at runtime, e.g. a file containing a face detection ML model. The exact list of files depends on the graph you chose, but there’s an easy way to collect the required files and tell the binary how to find them.

To do so, add the following to your BUILD file:


    name = "runtime_data",
    # In the following line, change the target by the one for your chosen graph.
    deps = ["@magritte//magritte/graphs:face_pixelization_offline_cpu"],

    name = "resources_folder",
    runtime_data = ":runtime_data",

See the developer’s guide for more information on how these build rules work.

Then build the resources_folder target with Bazel. The output should look something like this:

$ bazel build :resources_folder --experimental_repo_remote_exec
Target :resources_folder up-to-date:

It should contain a list of files in a folder bazel-bin/resources_folder or similar. The list of files and name of the folder may vary in your case. We need to provide the absolute path to this folder as a value to the resource_root_dir command line flag when running the binary. So run the binary with the following command:

bazel run :magritte_deidentify_image \
  --cxxopt='-std=c++17' --experimental_repo_remote_exec \
  -- \
  --resource_root_dir=/absolute/path/to/workspace/bazel-bin/resources_folder \
  --input_file=/absolute/path/to/your/input/image.jpg \

Remember that you need to add the flag --define MEDIAPIPE_DISABLE_GPU=1 before the -- if you do not have a GPU (see the desktop example instructions).

You can also build the binary with bazel build and then run it directly instead of calling bazel run (see the Bazel user guide).

Now try to run this binary on an image file that contains faces! You should see that the faces are pixelized in the output file.

TODO: Add example images.


Asynchronous Processing

In the above example we used the DeidentifierSync class. Its Deidentify method returns (essentially) the processed image and blocks until the processing is complete. Sometimes this is not what you need, so there is also a DeidentifierAsync class. Its Deidentify method returns immediately, just giving you an absl::Status. It will call a callback on the resulting image once processing is completed. You provide the callback in the factory function.

Have a look at the documentation in magritte_api.h and magritte_api_factory.h for more information. Try to use that and adapt the code from the previous example to use asynchronous processing!

In our repository you will find a complete example containing both synchronous and asynchronous processing.

Using a GPU

If your machine has a GPU, we strongly recommend using it whenever possible, since processing will be faster.

To use a GPU with Magritte, you need to change the following two things from what we did before:

  1. Use a graph intended for GPU processing. All such graphs have a name ending in Gpu. The ones with their name ending in Cpu will do processing on the CPU even if you have a GPU.
  2. Use GpuBuffer instead of ImageFrame.

The first item is easy: Just load a different graph.

For the second one, you need to use MediaPipe’s GpuBuffer class. It is a platform-specific implementation of an image in GPU memory. You can obtain a GpuBuffer from an ImageFrame using the functions in MediaPipe’s GlCalculatorHelper class. Please see the comments in the linked files for more information.

Once you have loaded a graph and obtained a GpuBuffer, the only other thing you need to adapt in the above example is the call to the factory function: above we called magritte::CreateCpuDeidentifierSync(graph_config) which gives us a DeidentifierSync implementation that operates on ImageFrames. If you replace Cpu by Gpu in the function name, you will receive a DeidentifierSync operating on GpuBuffers instead.

A command line tool to deidentify videos

Now let’s create a version of our deidentification tool that can work with videos. We will process videos frame by frame, so there’s not much difference to the still images case. However, when dealing with videos, we recommend paying attention to the timestamps, as we will explain now.

Have a look at the DeidentifierSync class definition (everything we say applies equally to the DeidentifierAsync). As you can see, there are two versions of the Deidentify method. Both of them take an image, but one version takes an extra timestamp parameter. We will use the timestamped version here. See below for an explanation on why we always recommend using the timestamped method for video processing.

Reading and writing a video

For reading a video file, we can use OpenCV’s VideoCapture class, and for writing to one, we can use VideoWriter. Those classes work with OpenCV matrices, which we can convert to and from ImageFrames as described before.

Concretely, we can read and write video frames one by one as follows:

cv::VideoCapture capture(input_file);
cv::VideoWriter writer;
cv::Mat frame_raw;
for (capture >> frame_raw; !frame_raw.empty(); capture >> frame_raw) {
  cv::Mat deidentified_mat;
  // Process frame_raw, save result in deidentified_mat.
  // [...]
  // Write the output frame.
  if (!writer.isOpened()) {, /* some other parameters [...] */);

Before this loop, let’s create a DeidentifierSync as before (assuming you have loaded a graph exactly as in the previous example):


For the timestamps, let’s also calculate the duration of a single frame (timestamps are always in microseconds) and count the frame numbers:

double fps = capture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS);
int64_t frame_duration_us = 1e6 / fps;
int frame_number = 0; // increment this by one in every loop iteration

Inside the loop, we can essentially do the same as we did before for still images. We convert frame_raw into an ImageFrame, send it to the DeidentifierSync along with the timestamp for the current frame, and convert the output back to an OpenCV matrix. So in the loop we call

    std::unique_ptr<mediapipe::ImageFrame> deidentified_frame,
                             frame_number * frame_duration_us));

These code snippets should give you an idea of how video processing with Magritte works. We left out a few technical details. In our repository you can find the full code of the video example.

Timestamped vs. non-timestamped processing methods

When processing any data, the underlying technology used in Magritte, MediaPipe, always works with timestamps. This is because, for some forms of processing, time-wise relations between data matters. Imagine for example a case involving motion tracking. Here the order of frames matters greatly, because motion tracking computes differences between consecutive frames.

The methods in the Magritte API that do not take timestamps as parameters implicitly choose a reasonable value when calling MediaPipe. This allows you to process still images in an easy way without having to make up timestamps. Beware that this may lead to unexpected results in case you choose a graph for still image processing that contains motion tracking or other methods that are meant for video processing.

In a video, we have natural timestamps available. So while using the methods without timestamp parameters and letting them implicitly choose timestamps would work, we recommend using the methods that do take a timestamp whenever you process a video.

We recommend not to mix usage of timestamped and non-timestamped processing methods.

See the comments in magritte_api.h and the graphs page for more information.

Further reading

You now know how to use ready-made Magritte graphs to process images and videos. Here we list some resources you can consult for more advanced topics.

Creating your own graphs

All the examples in this codelab used a ready-made top-level graph. If the top-level graphs described on the graphs page don’t suit your needs, you can create your own graphs. For this you should learn about subgraphs, calculators and other concepts; start on the concepts page and then continue with the developer’s guide, which has a section about building your own graphs.

Partial processing (detection or redaction only)

Your use case may not need end-to-end image deidentification, but only a partial treatment, for example only detect faces, or only redact faces that have been previously detected.

In this case, you need to use a subgraph for this purpose instead of a top-level graph. At this point, Magritte does not offer a simple API for this scenario as it does for the Deidentification use case, so you will need to work with MediaPipe directly. For this we refer to the concepts page and the MediaPipe documentation.