Magritte demos

  1. Installation
    1. Install Bazel 5.2.0
    2. Install Python3, NumPy and Pip
    3. Install OpenCV and FFmpeg.
    4. Install mesa for EGL GPU support
    5. Clone Magritte repository
  2. Demos
    1. Build and run desktop example
    2. Build and run Android demos

This page describes how to install some prerequisites, build and run the demo applications from the Magritte library. For more details on how to use the actual library in your code, start with the codelab.


Follow these steps to build the Magritte library from source. This guide is for Ubuntu, but building on other linux distributions should work similarly.

We also provide a Dockerfile with all dependencies installed.

Install Bazel 5.2.0

Follow the Bazel documentation to install Bazel from its apt repository. Make sure you use version 5.2.0.

Another option is to install Bazelisk, which manages Bazel versions for you.

Install Python3, NumPy and Pip

Those are required for working with TensorFlow. Make sure Python is version 3.7 or later.

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-numpy python3-pip python-is-python3

Install OpenCV and FFmpeg.

Magritte builds on top of MediaPipe which requires OpenCV and FFmpeg.

sudo apt-get install libopencv-core-dev libopencv-highgui-dev \
                     libopencv-calib3d-dev libopencv-features2d-dev \
                     libopencv-imgproc-dev libopencv-video-dev

If you are using Debian 11 or later, or Ubuntu 20.04 or later, then this will install OpenCV 4. In that case, you might also need to install libopencv-contrib-dev (see this discussion).

Install mesa for EGL GPU support

GPU-based processing graphs require EGL support, which is provided by mesa. If you don’t need GPU support, you can skip this step.

sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev

Clone Magritte repository

git clone
cd magritte

If you are using OpenCV 4, you must also execute the following command:

sed -i '/include\/opencv4/s/#//g' third_party/opencv_linux.BUILD

After that you’re ready to build the Magritte library.


Magritte comes with several demo applications for Desktop and Android.

Build and run desktop example

The desktop example, in its simplest form, reads a video file, processes it with a Magritte graph, and saves the result in another video file.

Before you can run it, you need to build the resources folder (see the developer’s guide for more information), which you do by running the following command.

bazel build //magritte/examples/desktop:desktop_resources_folder \

After that, you can run the desktop demo with the following command:

bazel run //magritte/examples/desktop \
  --cxxopt='-std=c++17' --experimental_repo_remote_exec \
  -- \
  --resource_root_dir=$(bazel info bazel-bin --experimental_repo_remote_exec)/magritte/examples/desktop/desktop_resource_folder \
  --graph_type=FacePixelizationOfflineCpu \
  --input_video=<input_video_file> --output_video=<output_video_file>

Here, the flag graph_type tells the demo which Magritte top-level graph it should use to process the video. You can try out different ones from the graphs folder or build your own.

The flags --input_video and --output_video are absolute paths to the input/output video files. If the --input_video flag is not provided, the demo will try to read input from a camera. If the --output_video flag is not provided, the result will be displayed in a separate window. Using --output_video without --input_video is not supported.

Maybe you need to build the example without GPU support. In that case, add an option --define MEDIAPIPE_DISABLE_GPU=1 to your command before the --.

If you want to build optimized code, we also recommend adding -c opt to your command before the --.

If you have an OpenCV version that has not been compiled with X11 support for the EGL backend, you will also need the following flags before the --:

--copt -DEGL_NO_X11

If you use the face sticker redaction graphs, you can choose the sticker image and a default zoom for the sticker, using the CLI parameters --sticker_image=<sticker_image_file> and --sticker_zoom=<zoom_value>. Those parameters are optional, and default to a smile emoji and 1.0 if not provided. The image file must be in the resources folder that you provide with the --resource_root_dir flag, and the path given via the --sticker_image flag should be relative to that folder.

Build and run Android demos

Magritte contains several Android apps that allow you to test out Magritte graphs in real-time.

The following dependencies are necessary:

  • Java Runtime
  • Android SDK (release 30.0.0 or above)
  • Android NDK 21

We recommend installing Android SDK and NDK through Android Studio.

Another option is installing the Android Command Line Tools, and installing the NDK through sdkmanager:

sdkmanager --install "ndk;21.0.6113669"

This may also be useful if you have a higher version of the NDK installed and you have trouble downgrading through Android Studio.

Once the installation is complete, set $ANDROID_HOME and $ANDROID_NDK_HOME to point to the installed SDK and NDK.

export ANDROID_HOME=<path to the Android SDK>
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=<path to the Android NDK>

One third option is to run MediaPipe’s script to automate installing Android SDK and NDK.

Connect your Android device, make sure to enable USB debugging and confirm that it shows up under adb devices:

$ adb devices
List of devices attached

After that, you can use the mobile-install build command to build the application and install it onto your phone over adb. Alternatively, if you only want to build the APK file without installing it on the phone, use the build command. For example:

bazel mobile-install --cxxopt='-std=c++17' --experimental_repo_remote_exec \
  --crosstool_top=//external:android/crosstool \
  --host_crosstool_top=@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain \
  --fat_apk_cpu=arm64-v8a --cpu=arm64-v8a \
  --define EXCLUDE_OPENCV_SO_LIB=1 \

If your device architecture is not ARM64, then replace arm64-v8a with armeabi-v7a. If you want to run on an emulator, use x86 instead. See the Bazel documentation for more information.