Developer’s Guide

  1. Introduction
  2. Data Types and Formats
    1. Frames
    2. Detections
    3. Masks
  3. Magritte Graphs
    1. Overview of existing Graphs
    2. Building your own Magritte Graphs
      1. Defining a graph
      2. Loading a graph
  4. Optimizations
    1. CPU vs. GPU processing
    2. Live vs. offline treatment
  5. Resource folders
    1. Files in scope
    2. MediaPipe’s way of finding resource files
    3. Build rule for resource folders

Here we describe technical aspects of the Magritte library directed to developers who want to use it in their project in ways beyond the examples covered by the codelab.

NOTE: We recommend reading the codelab first before having a look at this page.


Generally, you use the Magritte library just as you would use MediaPipe. So it’s a good idea to have a look at the MediaPipe documentation first.

Data Types and Formats

See the Magritte Concepts page for a description of the Data Concepts used in Magritte. Here we explain which actual data types we use to handle those concepts.


Frames represent still images, mostly frames from a video. There are two fundamental data types for them: ImageFrame and GpuBuffer.

ImageFrame is an image data type which is conceptually similar to OpenCV’s matrix type, into which it can be converted using the functions from image_frame_opencv.h. It is mostly used for images that will be treated by the CPU. Similar to OpenCV matrices, it can hold images in a variety of formats that are defined in image_formats.proto.

GpuBuffer on the other hand is used for images that will be treated on the GPU. They reference FrameBuffer objects from OpenGL 2.0 ES and are manipulated using a GlCalculatorHelper.

ImageFrames and GpuBuffers can be converted into each other, see below.


For detections, we use the MediaPipe Detection format, which essentially consists of a location (specified mostly via bounding boxes) within a frame and potentially some keypoints.


To capture masks we just use ImageFrames or GpuBuffers. For ImageFrame we typically use a grayscale image format such as VEC32F1 (see image_format.proto), while for GpuBuffer we always read the first channel of the image (in case it has more than one).

Strictly speaking, a mask doesn’t simply encode location information, but more, since each pixel can take more than binary values (typically between 0 and 255, depending on the image format). A graph or calculator can decide how to deal with that: If strict locations are required, then all pixels with a value > 0 can be treated as part of a region, and others not; while in other situations we can treat the value as an input for e.g. “how much” of some redaction is required. See the documentation of individual graphs or calculators for information how they treat masks.

Magritte Graphs

See the Magritte Concepts page for an explanation of graph categories and features. Here we explain how to find and use such graphs.

Overview of existing Graphs

All Magritte graphs live in the graphs folder and its subdirectories. The directory structure looks as follows:

├── detection
└── redaction
    ├── detection_to_mask
    └── mask_redaction

All top-level graphs live directly in the graphs folder. The subdirectories contain feature subgraphs and correspond to the features described at Magritte Concepts. The technical subgraphs mentioned there live next to the feature subgraphs that use them, but they are not visible from outside packages.

The calculators that are part of the Magritte library live in the calculators folder. Most users shouldn’t need to use them directly. They are part of many of the feature subgraphs (together with calculators from the MediaPipe library).

If one of the existing top-level graphs fits your needs, you can just use it as you would use any MediaPipe graph. Otherwise see the next section.

Building your own Magritte Graphs

You can put together your own Magritte graphs from the existing feature subgraphs. Have a look at the graph documentation page for an overview. As long as their inputs and outputs match up, you can put them together in any way you want.

Defining a graph

Technically, a graph is just a fixed CalculatorGraphConfig proto message. To build MediaPipe graphs, the most common way is to describe such a message in a text proto file as explained in the MediaPipe documentation, and create a BUILD target for your graph. Since Magritte graphs are just MediaPipe graphs, you can define them in just the same way. However, in the Magritte library we use a custom BUILD macro that bundles many related targets for convenience.

The magritte_graph BUILD macro is defined in magritte_graph.bzl. You don’t have to use it, but you probably should since it provides a number of targets at once, such as a cc_library for the graph, an exported graph text proto file and a binary proto. Please have a look at the documentation in the source file for a complete list of targets as well as the parameters. To see examples of its usage, you can look at any of the BUILD files in the graphs folder and its subdirectories.

Loading a graph

Once you have defined your graph and its build target, you can use the MagritteGraphByName method from magritte_api_factory.h or the CreateByName method from MediaPipe’s GraphRegistry class (the former works only if you set the package field in your graph proto to “magritte”). In order for these methods to find your graph, the code calling it must have a build dependency to your graph’s target.

Alternatively, you can use the binary proto graph file that is created by the magritte_graph build macro and read it just as any a serialized protocol buffer. See the protocol buffers tutorial for more information. In any case, your code still must have a build dependency to your graph’s target.


CPU vs. GPU processing

Many of the graphs in the Magritte library exist in variants for CPU and GPU, designated by a gpu or cpu in their name. If your platform doesn’t have a GPU, you cannot use the corresponding graphs on it. If you do have access to a GPU, you can mix both GPU and CPU graphs, even though you should use the GPU variants in most cases since they are usually faster. If you do want to mix both, you can plug matching input and output streams together. The only occasion where this is not possible directly is for streams that use ImageFrame or GpuBuffer. To convert between these, you can use ImageFrameToGpuBufferCalculator and GpuBufferToImageFrameCalculator from MediaPipe.

Note: Those streams are usually tagged IMAGE: and IMAGE_GPU:, respectively. If you have both, it’s probably a sign that you are improperly mixing ImageFrames and GpuBuffers.

Live vs. offline treatment

For some graphs, there are variants optimized for live (real-time) or offline treatment, designated by a live or offline in their name.

Our live graphs contain a FlowLimiterCalculator that throttles the images flowing downstream for flow control. It passes through the very first incoming image unaltered, and waits for the downstream calculators in the graph to finish processing before it passes through another image. All images that come in while waiting are dropped, limiting the number of in-flight images between the FlowLimiterCalculator and later ones to 1. This prevents the nodes in between from queuing up incoming images and data excessively, which leads to increased latency and memory usage, unwanted in real-time mobile applications. It also eliminates unnecessary computation.

Resource folders

Magritte often needs certain files available at runtime (e.g., face detection models). When you develop for Android or iOS, you don’t need to worry about this. However, on desktop environments you need to take some steps to ensure that required files can be found.

Files in scope

This concerns all files referenced in MediaPipe or Magritte graphs, for example TensorFlow Lite ML models used in a face detection graph or the sticker image file in the sticker redaction graph.

MediaPipe’s way of finding resource files

The way Magritte finds its runtime files is through MediaPipe’s resource_util library. Its implementation is platform-dependent. On desktop environments, by default it interprets resource file paths relative to a resource root folder, which you can provide with the --resource_root_dir command line flag. The default value for this flag is the empty string, so that MediaPipe will look for resource files in your working directory. If you want to change that, you have two options:

  1. Provide the --resource_root_dir flag: You can create a resource folder, copy the necessary files to it with the correct relative paths, and provide its (absolute) path via the --resource_root_dir flag when running your binary. To spare you the work of creating such folders manually, there is a special build rule you can use for this. It is described in the next subsection.
  2. Change how MediaPipe looks for files: You can include resource_util_custom.h, which provides a function SetCustomGlobalResourceProvider. This function allows you to override the way MediaPipe searches for resource files by your own implementation of a resource provider function.

Build rule for resource folders

The file magritte_graph.bzl defines two build rules: magritte_runtime_data and magritte_resource_folder. The first one takes as its deps attribute a list of Magritte graphs. The second one takes as its runtime_data attribute a target defined using the first one.

The Magritte graphs you use in your project thus need to be referenced in two places: in the magritte_runtime_data rule and as dependencies of your C++ target. It may be useful to introduce a variable in your BUILD file listing the graphs you use. (The Bazel style guide discourages the use of variables, but we consider the risk of breaking automated tooling around BUILD files to be lower than the risk of introducing hard-to-debug errors by listing the graphs incorrectly.)

So let’s assume your project uses two graphs, @magritte//magritte/graphs:face_pixelization_offline_cpu and @magritte//magritte/graphs:face_sticker_redaction_offline_cpu. Then you can write your BUILD file as follows:

_my_graphs = [

cc_binary(  # Could also be a cc_library, depending on what you're doing.
    name = "my_project_main",
    deps = _my_graphs + [
        # List of other dependencies of your code that are not
        # Magritte graphs.

    name = "runtime_data",
    deps = _my_graphs,

    name = "my_resources_folder",
    runtime_data = ":runtime_data",

When you then build the my_resources_folder target, a folder will be created that contains all files needed by the graphs in the right subfolders. The output should look something like this:

$ bazel build //path/to/buildfile:my_resources_folder --experimental_repo_remote_exec
INFO: Analyzed target //path/to/buildfile:my_resources_folder (...).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //path/to/buildfile:my_resources_folder up-to-date:
INFO: Build completed successfully, ... total actions

From this you can see that the resource folder was created at bazel-bin/path/to/buildfile/my_resources_folder (it will have the same name as your target) and that it contains a few files in subfolders. When you run the binary compiled from the my_project_main target, provide --resource_root_dir=/full/path/to/workspace/bazel-bin/path/to/buildfile/my_resources_folder and MediaPipe will find the files. You may also copy the folder to a more reasonable location.