
A static type analyzer for Python code

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Type Annotations


In PEP484, python added syntactic support for type annotations (also referred to as “type hints”). These are not enforced or applied by the python interpreter, but are instead intended as a combination of documentation and assertions that can be checked by third-party tools like pytype. This blog post is a good quick overview of how type hints fit into the python ecosystem in general.

A significant difference between annotations and type comments is that annotations are parsed and compiled by the interpreter, even if they have no semantic meaning in the runtime code. From pytype’s point of view, this means that we can process them as part of the regular bytecode VM (by contrast, type comments need a separate system to parse and integrate them into the main code). For example, the following code:

class A: pass

x: A

compiles to


... class A definition ...

LOAD_NAME                0 (A)
STORE_ANNOTATION         1 (x)

Annotations dictionary

Python’s SETUP_ANNOTATIONS and STORE_ANNOTATION opcodes respectively create and populate an __annotations__ dict in locals (for variables in functions) or in __dict__ (for annotated class members). Pytype similarly creates a corresponding dictionary, abstract.AnnotationsDict, which it stores in the equivalent locals or class member dictionary.

The annotations dict is updated via the vm._update_annotations_dict() method, which is called from two entry points:

A class’s AnnotationsDict is also updated directly in byte_STORE_ATTRIBUTE, handling the case where we have an annotation on an attribute assignment that has not already been recorded as a class-level attribute annotation.

Converting variable annotations to types

As a first step, type annotations on a variable are converted to pytype’s abstract types, and then stored as the type of that variable in much the same way assignments are. Specifically, x = Foo() and x: Foo should both lead to the same internal type being retrieved for x when it is referred to later in the code.

Forward references

Python currently supports two kinds of annotation,

x: Foo

where Foo is treated as a symbol that is looked up in the current namespace, and then stored under x in the __annotations__ dictionary, and

x: 'Foo'

where Foo is simply stored as a string. The latter case is useful because it lets us annotate variables with types that have not been defined yet; annotations of this type are variously referred to as “string annotations”, “forward references” or “late annotations”.

From version 3.7 onward, Python includes a switch to implicitly treat all annotations as strings. You can set it by including

from __future__ import annotations

Complex annotations

While an annotation like x: Foo corresponds directly to the runtime type class Foo, in general the type annotation system supports more complex types that do not correspond directly to a runtime python type.

Some examples:

NOTE: Technically, these types do correspond to runtime classes defined in, but that is just an implementation detail to avoid compiler errors when using them. They are meant to be used by type checkers, not by python code.

Python’s general syntax for complex annotations is

Base[param1, param2, ...]

where the base type Base is a python class subclassing typing.Generic, and the params are types (possibly parametrised themselves) or lists of types.

Conversion to abstract types

The main annotation processing code lives in the annotation_utils.AnnotationUtils class (instantiated as a member of the VM). This code has several entry points, for various annotation contexts, but the bulk of the conversion work is done in the internal method _process_one_annotation().

Unprocessed annotations are represented as abstract.AnnotationClass (including the derived class abstract.AnnotationContainer) for immediate annotations, and abstract.LateAnnotation for late annotations. There is also a mixin class, mixin.NestedAnnotation, which has some common code for dealing with inner types (the types within the [] that the base type is parametrised on).

NOTE: The two types can be mixed; an immediate annotation can be parametrised with a late annotation, e.g. ` x: List[‘A’] which will eventually be converted to x = List[A] when we can resolve the name ‘A’`.

_process_one_annotation() is essentially a large switch statement dealing with various kinds of annotations, and calling itself recursively to deal with nested annotations. The return value of _process_one_annotation is an abstract.* object that can be applied as the python type of a variable.

The various public methods in AnnotationUtils cover different contexts in which we can encounter variable annotations while processing bytecode; search for annotation_utils in to see where each one is used.

Tracking local operations

There is a class of python code that does read type annotations at runtime, for metaprogramming reasons. The commonest example is dataclasses in the standard library (from python 3.7 onwards); for example the following will generate a class with an appropriate __init__ function:

class A:
  x: int
  y: str

Pytype has some custom overlay code to replicate the effects of this metaprogramming, but it needs a explicit record of variable annotations, possibly in the order in which they appear in the code, to handle the general case. This is distinct from the regular use of annotations to assign types to variables, and the information we need is not preserved by the regular pytype type tracking machinery.

To support this use case, we have a separate record of all assignments and annotations to local variables, stored in a vm.local_ops dictionary and indexed by the current frame. See vm._record_local() for how this dictionary is updated, and get_class_locals() in overlays/ for an instance of it is used along with vm.annotated_locals to recover a class’s variable annotations.