
A static type analyzer for Python code

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Configuring pytype


Pytype has a lot of knobs controlling its behaviour, and a fairly complex configuration system to support setting and tweaking them. Fortunately, using this system is relatively straightforward; the majority of developers should not need to delve into the internals of the config implementation.

It is reasonable to wonder why the extra complexity for what is basically a key/value dict. The main added features are (i) validating, processing and expressing constraints between options, and (ii) allowing reuse and forwarding of options from tools to pytype.

The config.Options object

Pytype packs all its configuration options into a single Options object (defined in This object can be constructed in one of two ways:

  1. From a list of command line flags (typically sys.argv), e.g. in

    options = config.Options(sys.argv[1:], command_line=True)
  2. By passing keyword args to config.Options.create:

    opts = config.Options.create(python_version=(3, 7), use_pickled_files=True)

In either case, options are validated, defaults filled in for any option not supplied, and an Options object returned. The rest of the code uses this single object, either via the ctx (it’s stored as ctx.options) or by passing it directly as a function argument. Options can be accessed as attributes, e.g.

if options.analyze_annotated:

Setting options

The options object is intended to be created at the start of the pytype invocation (either by passing command line flags to the executable, or by creating a config.Options instance programmatically and passing it to one of pytype’s library entry points), and treated as an immutable singleton thereafter. However it is useful in test code to be able to set and modify options while testing different scenarios. The Options class provides an options.tweak(**kwargs) method for that, allowing individual options to be changed at “runtime”.

One caveat is that unlike the Options() and Options.create() constructors, options.tweak() simply sets attributes directly, bypassing the usual postprocessing steps.

Library-only options

The config system has some functions specifically to support tools that use pytype as a library (i.e. they have no corresponding command-line flag defined in the argument parser).

These are defined in two places:

  1. The _LIBRARY_ONLY_OPTIONS hash, which currently contains a single option to replace the built-in open() function

  2. Context managers (defined at the end of the file) to temporarily set an option and revert it when the managed block exits (again, there is currently a single option to temporarily override the logging verbosity).

NOTE: Libraries other than test code should not use options.tweak(), as this can lead to invalid or inconsistent options; if your tool needs to temporarily override another config setting send us a patch or a feature request to add a setter or a context manager for it.

Config internals

Argument parsing

Command line arguments are parsed via config.make_parser(), which uses python’s argparse internally to define and parse options. The argparse parser is wrapped in a datatypes.ParserWrapper() which records arguments as they are added, but otherwise behaves entirely transparently.

Individual flags are defined via argparse’s standard ArgumentParser.add_arguments method; pytype divides these flags into argument groups and provides functions to add all the arguments in a group to the option parser. Thus pytype itself sets up its parser via

def make_parser():
  o = argparse.ArgumentParser(...)
  return o

but tools that wish to reuse and forward pytype flags can call any of the add_* functions and populate their argument parser with a subset of pytype’s flags without needing to either define individual flags or support the entire set of pytype options.

Look at tools/ for an example of how tools can set up their own independent argument parser, and then add sections of pytype flags to it, using those to create a config.Options() object that they use to invoke pytype library functions.

Feature Flags

Pytype has two classes of feature flag, defined in the FEATURE_FLAGS and EXPERIMENTAL_FLAGS constants. Flags in FEATURE_FLAGS are temporary, and go through the lifecycle default False -> default True -> removed. Flags in EXPERIMENTAL_FLAGS always default to False; these are features that change pytype’s behaviour in large and complex ways, and which might still contain unexpected edge cases.


In config.Options.__init__, after the Options object is populated with the key/value pairs passed in to the constructor, it is run through a postprocessing step. This invokes the config.Postprocessor class, which copies options from the raw input_options to a final output_options. The Postprocessor class does several things:

  1. Define _store_*() methods, corresponding to some of the options. If Postprocessor._store_foo() exists, it will be called with as an argument; i.e.

    if hasattr(postprocessor, '_store_foo'): = postprocessor._store_foo(
    else: =
  2. Arrange the options into a dependency graph, so that some options can use the postprocessed values of other options in their own postprocessing step. For example, options.module_name is postprocessed via

    @uses(["input", "pythonpath"])
    def _store_module_name(self, module_name):
      if module_name is None:
        module_name = module_utils.get_module_name(
            self.output_options.input, self.output_options.pythonpath)
        self.output_options.module_name = module_name

    where self.output_options.pythonpath is used to construct self.output_options.module_name. The postprocessor uses the @uses["pythonpath"] decorator to make sure that _store_pythonpath() is run before _store_module_name, so that output_options.pythonpath has the correct value when we read it.

  3. Populate some options that do not correspond to inputs. For example _store_python_version sets both output_options.python_version and output_options.python_exe. The latter is derived from the python version and cached in options.python_exe, but it can not be set independently.

Adding a new option

The simplest way to add a new option is to define a new argparse flag for it, typically in add_basic_options() or add_debug_options() (it’s rare for the other option groups to change).

If your option needs validation or postprocessing, add a corresponding method to the Postprocessor class.

Options added to basic_options should also be added to the flags_with_values dict in tools/analyze_project/

For instance, look at the complete code for the pythonpath option:

def add_infrastructure_options(o):
      "-P", "--pythonpath", type=str, action="store",
      dest="pythonpath", default="", help="...")

class Postprocessor:
  def _store_pythonpath(self, pythonpath):
    # Note that the below gives [""] for "", and ["x", ""] for "x:"
    # ("" is a valid entry to denote the current directory)
    self.output_options.pythonpath = pythonpath.split(os.pathsep)

Config files

While the core pytype-single executable can only be configured via command line flags, the other tools, including the analyze_project tool exported as the main pytype binary, can be configured via a config file as well. The config file follows the standard INI-file format parsed by python’s built in configparser; the supporting library to work with the config file and ultimately convert it into pytype options is tools/analyze_project/

NOTE: The config file mirrors the options to pytype (i.e. analyze_project), not to pytype-single, and therefore does not support every option in