
A static type analyzer for Python code

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Bytecode Compilation


Python code is first compiled to bytecode, and then interpreted by the python virtual machine. Pytype follows this strategy, “interpreting” the bytecode with a virtual machine ( which manipulates types rather than values. This means that when analysing a file, pytype’s first step is to run the python interpreter over it and compile it to bytecode. The bytecode is then disassembled into Opcodes, pytype’s internal representation of a python opcode, and this list of Opcodes is used as the canonical representation of the program by the rest of the code.

Host and Target Versions

One caveat for any sort of python code tool is that the python language, and hence its bytecode, are evolving over time. For pytype specifically, one of the consequences of this is that we accept a --version argument specifying the python version of the code being analysed, and make sure that our internal model of the language matches the exact state of the code’s version.

Since pytype itself is written in python, we have to make a clear distinction between the host and the target python version:

If the host and target versions differ, we need to compile python source files to bytecode using a target-version interpreter, e.g. if we are running under python 3.7 and are passed --version=3.6 we cannot use python 3.7’s internal libraries to compile the code; we have to launch a python 3.6 interpreter, compile the target code to bytecode, and then retrieve that bytecode to run through our VirtualMachine.

The relevant compilation code can be found at pyc/ The process is:

if host_version == target_version:
  bytecode = compile_source(src)
  write source to tmpfile, tmpfile) # generates src.pyc
  bytecode = read(src.pyc)

To support host != target, we have a check in to make sure there is a target-version python interpreter available, and a standalone executable, pyc/ that can be called as a subprocess.


As the name suggests, “bytecode” is a binary representation consisting of a series of bytes, each with a meaning defined by the interpreter (e.g. 10 = UNARY_POSITIVE). Pytype reads in the bytecode version of a .py file and disassembles it into Opcodes, our internal representation of a bytecode VM instruction.

NOTE: If you are not already familiar with python bytecode and disassembly, playing with the dis module will be helpful. This article is a good introduction to the topic.

The relevant code is in, which defines two classes, Opcode and OpcodeWithArg, and then creates a subclass corresponding to every python opcode. Opcodes have a set of properties like HAS_LOCAL and PUSHES_BLOCK (stored as a bitvector, see the top of for explanations of each bit), and optionally a single argument. The semantic value of the argument depends on the opcode. For example,

class STORE_ATTR(OpcodeWithArg):  # Indexes into name list
    __slots__ = ()

means that the opcode STORE_ATTR references the name table, has a single associated argument, and that that argument is an index into the list of names.

TIP: The meaning of the argument is not part of the opcode definition (hence the need to document it as a comment). Looking at, every opcode has a corresponding byte_<Opcode> method in the VirtualMachine class, which deals with actually interpreting that opcode. The byte_STORE_ATTR method starts off with the code

name = self.frame.f_code.co_names[op.arg]

which essentially says “use the opcode’s argument to index into the list of names and retrieve the name of the attr that we are storing”. The comments on the Opcode class document these semantic meanings.

After defining a class for every python opcode, defines a series of tables mapping between bytecodes and opcodes for each python version we support. The function gets the right mapping table for the target python version, and then passes it to bytecode reader which iterates over the block of bytes, converting each one into an opcode or into the argument for the preceding opcode.