
A static type analyzer for Python code

Developer guide
Development process
Python version upgrades
Supporting new features
Program analysis
Main loop
Stack frames
Data representation
Abstract values
Special builtins
Type annotations
Type stubs
Style guide
Documentation debugging

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Development process


  1. Fork and clone your fork to your machine.

  2. Follow the instructions in for building and testing pytype.

  3. Make your change! Make sure the tests pass, and linting and type-checking are clean.

  4. Push your change to your fork and open a pull request (PR) against the original repo. If it’s your first time contributing to a Google open source project, please sign the Contributor License Agreement when prompted. Depending on what files your PR touches, it will be either merged directly or closed after being copied into the Google-internal codebase and re-exported to GitHub. You will be credited as the author either way.

Issue tracker

Externally, pytype uses the GitHub issue tracker for issue management. You can filter by the good first issue and help wanted labels to find contributor-friendly issues. Please comment on an issue before starting any work, to avoid duplication of effort. When opening a PR to close an issue, include the following in the description to close the issue when the PR is merged:

Resolves #XXX

(Replace XXX with the issue ID.) If a PR is relevant to an issue but doesn’t fix it, you can link the two by mentioning the ID without the closing keyword.

Running pytype locally

Run the single-file analysis tool as


to check for type errors, or

pytype-single -o -

to infer a pyi (dumped to stdout via -). The default target Python version is the version that pytype is running under; pass in -V<major>.<minor> to select a different version.

Note that the single-file tool does not handle dependency resolution, so you’ll have to supply .pyi files for all non-stdlib imports.

If you’re using the GitHub-installed tools, you can run the whole-project analysis tool, pytype, over the file to generate a .pytype directory that includes the necessary .pyi files. Then add

--module-name <module> --imports_info .pytype/imports/<module>.imports

to your pytype-single invocation, replacing <module> with the fully qualified module name.


pytype can be run under pdb, the Python debugger. Add:

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

at the point in the code at which you want to enter debugging.


For profiling a single file, pass in --profile <path> to turn on profiling and write the generated profile to <path>. The profile can then be analyzed using the pstats module.

Note that numbers are not directly comparable between runs; differences of 100% for different machines on otherwise identical code have happened. The relative rank of functions in the profile is stable between runs.

Typegraph Rewrite

Pytype’s typegraph is being rewritten to improve performance and correctness. The new code lives in the pytype/rewrite/ directory. To run pytype’s tests with the new code:


Open pytype/tests/ and change the value of the _USE_REWRITE module constant from False to True.