
Commands are how your app asks the Jacquard Tag to do something. Using them is straightforward:

  1. Construct an instance of the relevant request type. Some will require arguments (like PlayLEDPatternCommand), others will not (like BatteryStatusCommand).
  2. Enqueue the request to be sent to a tag using ConnectedTag.enqueue(_:) or ConnectedTag.enqueue(_:retries:).
  3. Observe the Combine publisher returned by one of the enqueue methods for a result or error (the request types declare an associated result type, which is the type published). Once a result is received, no more values will be published.

For example, to measure the battery status of the connected tag, assuming a published stream of the currently connected tag (see example code in Connecting to Tags).

    // Observe future battery status notifications.
    let subscription = BatteryStatusNotificationSubscription()
    let cancellable = tagStream
      .flatMap { $0.subscribe(subscription) }
      .sink { [weak self] response in
        guard let self = self else { return }
        switch response.chargingState {
        case .notCharging:
          print("not charging")
        case .charging:
        print("battery charge: \(response.batteryLevel)%")

When sending comands or observing events, you should always check if the component supports that Component.capability You can check the capabilities on a component using e.g component.capabilities.contains(.haptic) The supported capabilties are :-

  1. case led // = 0Gear can be used for PlayLEDPatternCommand.
  2. case gesture // = 1Gear supports gestures. i.eTouchMode.gesture
  3. case touchDataStream // = 2Gear supports touch data stream. i.e TouchMode.touchDataStream
  4. case haptic // = 3Gear can be used for PlayHapticCommand.
    .flatMap { $0.connectedGear }
    .sink { [weak self] gear in
      guard let self = self else { return }
      // Check if Component has supported capability to execute the co.mand. 
      guard let gear = gear, gear.capabilities.contains(.led) else {