Components and Gear

A Jacquard Tag being inserted into the sleeve of a Levi's Trucker jacket

In addition to the Jacquard Tag, all Jacquard Threads products have some additional hardware that communicates with the Jacquard Threads. While your app will not interact with this hardware directly, it will observe when the tag is inserted into that product (you may see the documentation call this “gear attachment”) and inspect metadata to determine the capabilities of that product.

  • Type describing an attached piece of Gear.

    This type can be used to introspect the capabilities of this piece of Gear. Note that the tag also exposes a Component instance via ConnectedTag.tagComponent which can be used to introspect the capabilities built into the tag.

    See also

    Components and Gear
    See more



    public protocol Component
  • Identifier for a connectedComponent instance.



    public typealias ComponentID = UInt32
  • This can be used to describe the capabilities of a piece of Gear.



    public typealias GearMetadata = Google_Jacquard_Protocol_Public_Sdk_GearMetadata
  • Gear Capabilities ENUMERATION This can be used to describe the capabilities of a piece of Gear.

    See more



    public struct Google_Jacquard_Protocol_Public_Sdk_GearMetadata
    extension Google_Jacquard_Protocol_Public_Sdk_GearMetadata: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding
  • Information about the component.

    The result type of ComponentInfoCommand.

    See more



    public struct ComponentInfo