Getting Started

Jacquard™ by Google weaves new digital experiences into the things you love, wear, and use every day to give you the power to do more and be more. Jacquard SDK is a way to connect Jacquard interactions within your apps. Create an app and bring it to life with swipes and taps through the Jacquard SDK.

What do I need to get started?

The iOS Jacquard SDK supports iOS versions 13 and greater.1

You will need the Jacquard Tag with a supported Jacquard product (all come with one tag). Currently supported products are:

  • Levi’s Trucker Jacket
  • Samsonite Konnect-i backpack
  • Saint Laurent Cit-e Backpack

You can find links to purchase these products on the Google Jacquard website.

If you have just opened a new retail Jacquard product, your tag probably needs a firmware update (and perhaps charging). Review the steps in the Updating Firmware page.

Join the Jacquard community!

Join the Jacquard iOS SDK discussion on GitHub.

Learn more about Google Jaquard and sign up for Jacquard updates at the Jacquard by Google website.

Building the Sample App

Screenshots of sample app

The sample app allows you to explore the functionality of the SDK and Jacquard gear. It also serves as a code example of how you can use the SDK in your own app. The sample app has some dependencies which need to be installed via CocoaPods. (You can use either CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager when you integrate with your own app, but CocoaPods is currently required for building the sample app).

git clone
cd JacquardSDKiOS/Example
pod install
open JacquardSDK.xcworkspace

Be sure to open the .xcworkspace, not the .xcodeproj. If you are unfamiliar with CocoaPods or do not have the pod command installed, visit

The app needs to run on a physical device to connect to the tag via Bluetooth. This requires you to set code signing portion of the Xcode project to use your own developer certificate. You can obtain a certificate from Apple via either of the free or paid Apple Developer programs. See and for more information.

Next Steps

The best way to get started with the Jacquard SDK is to follow our tutorial.

Or, jump straight to integrating the Jacquard SDK into your Xcode project.

Once you have completed the tutorial, the best place to go next is the API Overview which will explain the features of your Jacquard tag and gear, and how to use the API. After that, check out the API Documentation (available in the table of contents on the left of every page) and build your awesome app :)

  1. The Android Jacquard SDK supports Android versions 10 and greater.