Integrate JacquardSDK into your Xcode project

Using CocoaPods

To use CocoaPods to integrate Jacquard’s iOS SDK, follow these steps:

  1. If cocoapods is not already installed on your Mac

  2. If your project does not have a Podfile, create one by following below steps:

    • In the terminal, navigate to the directory containing your project’s .xcodeproj file.
    • Run this command: pod init
    • A file named Podfile would be created in the directory.
  3. Edit the Podfile:

    • In this file, add pod 'JacquardSDK' to your project’s app target.
  4. After this change, your Podfile should look similar to the following:

    platform :ios, '13.0'
    target '<YOUR_APP_TARGET>' do
      pod 'JacquardSDK'
  5. In the terminal, run pod install.

    • If this fails, you may need to update your CocoaPods master spec repository checkout.
    • Use the command pod install --repo-update and follow any instructions.
  6. Your project directory now has an .xcworkspace file.

    • If your project is already open in Xcode, close it and open the .xcworkspace file.
    • From now on, you need to use this file to open your project, instead of its .xcodeproj file.
  7. To use the Jacquard API’s import JacquardSDK wherever necessary,

     // In AppDelegate.swift or any other file where you're using JacquardSDK
     import JacquardSDK

    For more on how to use the SDK, follow on with the tutorial

Swift Package Manager - with Xcode project

If you are using the Swift Package Manager with an Xcode project

  1. Navigate to your project settings, where you will see a new menu called Package Dependencies.
  2. Click the + button to add JacquardSDK package. Swift Packet Manager option

  3. Enter the repository URL

    • As soon as you enter the URL, xcode will find the JacquardSDKiOS package.
    • For the dependancy rule, use the default values : “Up to Next Major Version”.
    • Click Add Package. JacquardSDKiOS Package
  4. Check the JacquardSDK Library and click Add Package.

Xcode will now download all the relevant files and integrate them into your project.

Swift Package Manager - with Package.swift

If you are using the Swift Package Manager with a Package.swift file, you need to add a dependency to your and import the JacquardSDK library into the desired targets.

dependencies: [
    .package(name: "JacquardSDK", url: "", from: "0.2.0"),
targets: [
    .target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: ["JacquardSDK"]),