Connecting to Tags

Image showing location of micro USB, LED and button on Jacquard Tag

The JacquardManager protocol describes the API you will use to find and pair with Jacquard Tags. For most general useage, your app should ideally create and hold only a single instance of JacquardManager using JacquardManagerImplementation(publishQueue:, options:), both parameters optional. (Note: publishQueue defaults to .main and options defaults to an empty dictionary, you can omit the parameters when calling the function).

Before connecting

Once you have a JacquardManager instance, it is important to make sure Bluetooth is powered on and ready before accessing any Bluetooth features such as scanning or connecting. These events are published by JacquardManager.centralState, wait for the .poweredOn state before proceeding.

Note that even after .poweredOn has been published, the user may turn off Bluetooth, de-authorize Bluetooth for your app, or a random error may occur. This will cause JacquardManager.centralState to leave the .poweredOn state. At this point all connections will become invalid and you must again wait for the .poweredOn state.

Once JacquardManager.centralState has published the .poweredOn state, you then need either a CoreBluetooth identifier (UUID) or an instance of one of the ConnectableTag types.

If you have persisted a UUID (ie. from a tag you have seen before and wish to connect to again), use JacquardManager.connect(_ uuid:).

Otherwise you have two ways to get one of the ConnectableTag instances:

  1. Start scanning for advertising tags with JacquardManager.startScanning(),
  2. and then observe the JacquardManager.advertisingTags publisher,
  3. which will publish AdvertisedTag instances.


  1. You can retrieve a list of tags which are both paired and connected to iOS already by calling JacquardManager.preConnectedTags(),
  2. this will return an array of PreConnectedTag instances.

  3. This command returns a connectionState publisher.

  4. Subscribe to this publisher, if you want to track the state changes of the connection process.

Connected Tag Lifecycle and Automatic Reconnection

Initiating a connection

Armed with either a UUID or a ConnectableTag instance, you can call JacquardManager.connect(_:) to obtain a Combine publisher which will publish the change in connection state over time.

Connection States

The value type published by the publisher returned by JacquardManager.connect(_:) is TagConnectionState:

/// The states published by the tag connection publisher.
public enum TagConnectionState {
  /// This is initial state, and also the state while waiting for reconnection.
  /// To conserve battery if the Jacqaurd tag is kept idle for 10 Minutes it will drop BLE connection.
  /// This state is also transitioned when the tag is moves out of the Bluetooth range of the mobile device.
  case preparingToConnect
  /// Connecting with approximate progress.
  /// First Int is the current step, second Int is total number of steps (including initializing)
  case connecting(Int, Int)
  /// Initializing with approximate progress.
  /// First Int is the current step, second Int is total number of steps. This continues on from the progress reported by the
  /// `connecting` state.
  case initializing(Int, Int)
  /// Configuring with approximate progress.
  /// First Int is the current step, second Int is total number of steps. This continues on from the progress reported by the
  /// `initializing` state.
  case configuring(Int, Int)
  /// Note this is not a terminal state - the stream may bo back to disconnected, and then subsequently reconnect again.
  case connected(ConnectedTag)
  /// This terminal state will only be reached if reconnecting or retrying is not possible.
  case disconnected(Error?)

When the tag is fully connected and ready, the state published will be .connected(), with the ConnectedTag instance as the associated value.

Automatic Reconnection

Jacquard manager automatically manges re-connection for you, so in cases of BLE disconnect for expected events such as going out of range, the tag going into sleep mode or the tag battery going flat.

In any of these events, the TagConnectionState will transition from 'connected state to .preparingToConnect. Once the tag comes back into range or wakes up etc., the published state will again cycle through the .connecting, .initializing and .configuring states and finally publish the .connectected state with the associated ConnectedTag instance.

The use of Combine streams make it easy to do this. For example, see the code snippet below. First it saves a publisher as an instance variable which allows easy access to the latest ConnectedTag instance. Second it checks the battery level every time the tag connects or reconnects.

private let connectionStream: AnyPublisher<JacquardConnectionState, Never>
/// Convenience stream that only contains the tag.
private let tagStream: AnyPublisher<ConnectedTag, Never>
/// A shared JacquardManager Instance
private let sharedJacquardManager: JacquardManagerImplementation

connectionStream = sharedJacquardManager.connect(tag)

tagStream = connectionStream
    .compactMap { state -> ConnectedTag? in
      switch state {
      case .connected(let tag): return tag
      default: return nil

// Fetch battery status every time the tag connects.
let batteryRequest = BatteryStatusCommand()
let cancellable = tagStream
  .flatMap { $0.enqueue(batteryRequest) }
  .sink { completion in
    switch completion {
    case .failure(let error):
      print("Error reading battery status: \(error)")
    case .finished:
  } receiveValue: { [weak self] response in
    guard let self = self else { return }

Reading the Current Connection State

The publisher returned by JacquardManager.connect(_) will always publish the current state (which includes the current ConnectedTag instance in the case of .connected) when any new subscription is made.1

Every reconnection creates a new ConnectedTag instance

Every reconnection creates a new ConnectedTag instance. This means that it is important not to keep a long-term reference to any ConnectedTag instance - instead use the publisher (or a derivative) each time you wish to access a tag.

You can see demonstrations of this in the tutorial, throughout the sample code in the documentation, or in the sample app.


In case that Bluetooth is turned off by the user or an unexpected error occurs, the .disconnected(Error) state will be published. This state is terminal and no more messages will be published.

Your app code is responsible to observe the JacquardManager.centralState publisher for CoreBluetooth .poweredOn events and initiate a new connection as above.

State Preservation and Restoration

CoreBluetooth State Restoration will relaunch your app in the background for pending Core Bluetooth requests. To learn more about State Preservation and Restoration, refer to these two Apple documents:

Adding Support for State Preservation and Restoration

State preservation and restoration using Jacquard manager is an opt-in feature and requires you to provide a unique restoration identifier when you allocate and initialize the Jacquard manager.

let options = [CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey: "YourAppRestoreIdentifier"]
aJacquardManager = JacquardManagerImplementation(options: options)

See the Apple documentation for other valid Central Manager Initialization options.

  1. Currently this property is due to the underlying subject being CurrentValueSubject, but even if this implementation changes the api contract will remain that the current state will always be published first. 

  • Discovers and connects to Jacquard tags.

    In normal use, you will obtain a singleton instance via sharedJacquardManager.

    See more



    public protocol JacquardManager
  • Concrete implementation of JacquardManager.

    You access the singleton instance via .shared.

    See JacquardManager for detailed api documentation.

    See more



    public final class JacquardManagerImplementation : NSObject
    extension JacquardManagerImplementation: JacquardManager
  • Errors thrown by JacquardManager.startScanning().

    See more



    public enum ManagerScanningError : Error
  • The states published by the tag connection publisher.

    See more



    public enum TagConnectionState
  • The errors which can be raised when connecting to a tag.

    See more



    public enum TagConnectionError : Error