

Name Description
public abstract class ConnectionEvent extends Object

The events used internally inTagConnectionStateMachine.

public static final enum ConnectionEvent.Type extends Enum
public abstract class Result<Res> extends Object

Data class for holding the result of a tag command.

public static final enum Result.Type extends Enum
public class TagConnectionStateMachine extends Object implements StateMachine

A state machine for handling connecting to a tag. It receives events fromBleAdapterviaTagConnectionStateMachine. State changes can be observed viaTagConnectionStateMachine.

TagConnectionStateMachine has two child state machines. First events from onConnectStateEvent are forwarded to aTagPairingStateMachine. Once the tag is paired the child will be replaced with aProtocolInitializationStateMachine. TagConnectionStateMachine will emitConnectionState. When the connection has been established theConnectionStatewill be emitted with an instance of the connected tag.

public abstract class ConnectionState extends Object implements Serializable

The different states on the connection process.

public static final enum ConnectionState.Type extends Enum