Generate docs

We’re using Orchid to generate a static website for Jacquard sdk. Orchid also parses sdk java packages and integrates the JavaDoc into the website.

Running Orchid

Prerequisites :

Orchid does not generate api java docs with java8. Before running Orchid, make sure java11 is installed on your machine. If not installed, you can install java11 either from the terminal by running this command $sudo mule install jdk11 or other convenient way for you.

Run Development Server :

  • Navigate to the sdk/sdk folder of the repo.
  • In the terminal, run ../gradlew :docs:orchidServe.
  • When successful, you should see below message :
Build Complete
Generated 122 pages in 12s 324ms

Webserver Running at http://localhost:8080
Hit [CTRL-C] to stop the server and quit Orchid
  • Now open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to see your static website.

Generate HTML Build:

  • Update docs/build.gradle file to edit baseUrl so as to match to the base URL of the host
orchid {
   baseUrl = "/<Your-website-directory>/"
  • In Terminal Navigate to the sdk/sdk folder of the repo.
  • Run $../gradlew :docs:orchidBuild.
  • When successful, copy all files from $<repo>/docs/build/docs/orchid/ to Your-website-directory inside your web server deployment directory.