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DataLayer phone UI

The DataLayer phone UI library provides an implementation for phone prompts UI that can be used to bring more users to the Wear app.

Getting started

Please follow the "Getting started" from the Datalayer App Helper guide in order to set up the apps and create an instance of PhoneDataLayerAppHelper.

Also refer to "Check API availability" from the Datalayer App Helper guide to check if the required APIs are available.

Basic usage

val installPrompt = InstallAppPrompt(phoneDataLayerAppHelper = phoneDataLayerAppHelper)

if (installPrompt.shouldDisplayPrompt()) {
    val intent = installAppPrompt.getIntent(
        context = context,
        appPackageName = context.packageName,
        image = R.drawable.image_drawable,
        topMessage = "top message",
        bottomMessage = "bottom message",

The code above uses the install prompt as example, but the usage of other prompts are similar.

Check user's action

In order to check what was the action taken by the user, refer to Get a result from an activity.

For example, if using Compose:

val launcher = rememberLauncherForActivityResult(
) { result ->
  if (result.resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
    // user pushed install!
  } else {
    // user dismissed the prompt.

if (installPrompt.shouldDisplayPrompt()) {
  val intent = installAppPrompt.getIntent(
      context = context,
      appPackageName = context.packageName,
      image = R.drawable.image_drawable,
      topMessage = "top message",
      bottomMessage = "bottom message",


The code above uses the install prompt as example, but the usage of other prompts are similar.

Install app

Use the InstallAppPrompt to build the UI of a prompt to ask the user to install the app on their watch.

The shouldDisplayPrompt method allows to check if the prompt should be displayed, based on the following conditions:

  • there is a watch connected
  • the app is not installed

The shouldDisplayPrompt method is relying on the capability defined in the wear.xml of the Wear app, if the Wear app is installed but hasn't been updated with the capability definition, this method may still return a AppHelperNodeStatus indicating that the Wear app is not installed.

ReEngage prompt

Use the ReEngagePrompt to build the UI of a prompt to ask the user to install the app on their watch.

The shouldDisplayPrompt method allows to check if the prompt should be displayed, based on the following conditions:

  • there is a watch connected
  • the app is installed

SignIn prompt

Use the SignInPrompt to build the UI of a prompt to ask the user to finish the sign in on the watch.

The shouldDisplayPrompt method allows to check if the prompt should be displayed, based on the following conditions:

  • there is a watch connected
  • the app is installed
  • the app was not marked as "setup complete" (see "Tracking the app has been set up" in Datalayer App Helper guide)

Install Tile prompt

Use the InstallTilePrompt to build the UI of a prompt to ask the user to install a Tile of your choice on the watch. If the user decides to install the Tile, they will be redirected to the Tile settings editor screen where they can select and add the Tile to the watchface. Please note that this feature is only supported on Pixel watches.

The shouldDisplayPrompt method allows to check if the prompt should be displayed, based on the following conditions: - the Wear app is installed and it's tracking the status of installed Tiles. See trackInstalledTiles in the sample app. The trackInstalledTiles has to be called when the app is launched, on TileService.onTileAddEvent and TileService.onTileRemoveEvent. After the Wear app has been updated to support trackInstalledTiles, it has to be launched at least once before being able to track the Tile installation status. - Wear OS companion app has version of or above. This version was rolled out in November 2023. - We are using getActiveTilesAsync method which could omit some Tiles, see more in the doc.

Also note that, if the user has more than one Pixel watches paired with the phone, the prompt will always redirect to the Tile settings editor of the first paired watch.

Custom prompts

If desired to display your own custom prompt, this API can still be helpful.

Use shouldDisplayPrompt to check if there conditions to display the prompt are met:

val installPrompt = InstallAppPrompt(phoneDataLayerAppHelper = phoneDataLayerAppHelper)

if (installPrompt.shouldDisplayPrompt()) {
    // display your own prompt

When the user tap on the positive button of your prompt, call performAction:

installPrompt.performAction(context, context.packageName)

The code above uses the install prompt as example, but the usage of other prompts are similar.