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Setting Up Your Environment

This guide walks you through the detailed steps for setting up your Google Cloud environment and deploying Litmus manually.

Litmus Architecture


  • Google Cloud Project: An active GCP project with billing enabled.
  • Google Cloud SDK (gcloud): Installed and configured with the correct project.
  • Required APIs: Enable the following APIs in your GCP project:
    • Cloud Run API
    • Firestore API
    • BigQuery API
    • Cloud Resource Manager API
    • Vertex AI API
    • Secret Manager API

1. Google Cloud Setup

1.1. Enable APIs:

gcloud services enable --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

1.2. Create Firestore Database:

1.3. Create BigQuery Dataset:

2. Service Accounts

2.1. API Service Account:

  • In the IAM & admin console, create a service account named "litmus-api".
  • Grant the following roles to the "litmus-api" service account at the project level:
    • Vertex AI User: Allows interaction with Vertex AI models.
    • Cloud Datastore User: Permits access to the Firestore database.
    • Logs Writer: Enables writing logs to Cloud Logging.
    • Cloud Run Developer: Allows deploying and managing Cloud Run services.
    • BigQuery Data Viewer: Grants read access to the BigQuery dataset.

2.2. Worker Service Account:

  • Create another service account named "litmus-worker".
  • Grant the same roles as in step 2.1 to the "litmus-worker" service account at the project level.
  • Additionally, grant the "litmus-worker" service account the Cloud Run Invoker role on the "litmus-api" Cloud Run service. This allows the worker to invoke API endpoints to trigger test runs.

3. Password and Service URL Management

3.1. Create Secret for Password:

  • Use Secret Manager to store the Litmus UI password securely:
    gcloud secrets create litmus-password --replication-policy=automatic --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
  • Add a secret version with a strong password (at least 16 characters):
    gcloud secrets versions add litmus-password --data-file=- <<EOF

3.2. Create Secret for Service URL:

  • Create another secret to store the Litmus API service URL (you'll populate this later):
    gcloud secrets create litmus-service-url --replication-policy=automatic --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

4. Build and Deploy Docker Images

4.1. Worker Service:

  • Build the worker service Docker image (from the worker directory):

    docker build -t .
  • Push the worker image to your Google Container Registry:

    docker push
  • Deploy the worker service as a Cloud Run job (not a service) in your preferred region:

    gcloud run jobs deploy litmus-worker --region YOUR_REGION  --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

4.2. API Service:

  • Build the API service Docker image (from the api directory):

    docker build -t .
  • Push the API image to your Google Container Registry:

    docker push
  • Deploy the API service to Cloud Run:

    gcloud run deploy litmus-api --image --region YOUR_REGION  --allow-unauthenticated --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

4.3. Update Service URL Secret:

  • Once the API service is deployed, get its URL:

    gcloud run services describe litmus-api --region YOUR_REGION --format='value(status.url)' --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
  • Add this URL as a version to the "litmus-service-url" secret:

    gcloud secrets versions add litmus-service-url --data-file=- <<EOF

5. Deploy UI (Optional)

  • The UI code is in the api/ui directory. You can host it using any web server (e.g., Nginx, Apache).
  • Make sure the UI is configured to connect to the deployed API service URL (from the "litmus-service-url" secret).

Using Litmus

  1. Access UI: If you deployed the UI, navigate to its URL.
  2. Login: Use "admin" as the username and the password you set in step 3.1.
  3. Create Templates: Define your test request templates, including pre/post requests and LLM evaluation prompts.
  4. Submit Runs: Initiate test runs using your templates.
  5. Analyze Results: Explore and analyze the detailed results, including LLM-based assessments.

Proxy Service Setup

  • Refer to the Proxy Service Documentation for detailed instructions on deploying and utilizing the Litmus proxy to monitor LLM interactions.


  • Modify environment variables during deployments to customize settings such as AI models, regions, and authentication (see api/util/

This comprehensive guide will help you set up and utilize Litmus for evaluating and testing your LLMs.

Disclaimer: This is not an officially supported Google product.