Setting Up Your Environment
This guide walks you through the detailed steps for setting up your Google Cloud environment and deploying Litmus manually.
- Google Cloud Project: An active GCP project with billing enabled.
- Google Cloud SDK (gcloud): Installed and configured with the correct project.
- Required APIs: Enable the following APIs in your GCP project:
- Cloud Run API
- Firestore API
- BigQuery API
- Cloud Resource Manager API
- Vertex AI API
- Secret Manager API
1. Google Cloud Setup
1.1. Enable APIs:
gcloud services enable --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
1.2. Create Firestore Database:
- Visit the Firestore console in your GCP project:
- Create a database in a location of your choice.
- Select "Native mode".
1.3. Create BigQuery Dataset:
- Navigate to the BigQuery console:
- Create a new dataset named "litmus_analytics" in your preferred location.
2. Service Accounts
2.1. API Service Account:
- In the IAM & admin console, create a service account named "litmus-api".
- Grant the following roles to the "litmus-api" service account at the project level:
- Vertex AI User: Allows interaction with Vertex AI models.
- Cloud Datastore User: Permits access to the Firestore database.
- Logs Writer: Enables writing logs to Cloud Logging.
- Cloud Run Developer: Allows deploying and managing Cloud Run services.
- BigQuery Data Viewer: Grants read access to the BigQuery dataset.
2.2. Worker Service Account:
- Create another service account named "litmus-worker".
- Grant the same roles as in step 2.1 to the "litmus-worker" service account at the project level.
- Additionally, grant the "litmus-worker" service account the Cloud Run Invoker role on the "litmus-api" Cloud Run service. This allows the worker to invoke API endpoints to trigger test runs.
3. Password and Service URL Management
3.1. Create Secret for Password:
- Use Secret Manager to store the Litmus UI password securely:bash
gcloud secrets create litmus-password --replication-policy=automatic --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
- Add a secret version with a strong password (at least 16 characters):bash
gcloud secrets versions add litmus-password --data-file=- <<EOF YOUR_STRONG_PASSWORD EOF
3.2. Create Secret for Service URL:
- Create another secret to store the Litmus API service URL (you'll populate this later):bash
gcloud secrets create litmus-service-url --replication-policy=automatic --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
4. Build and Deploy Docker Images
4.1. Worker Service:
Build the worker service Docker image (from the
directory):bashdocker build -t .
Push the worker image to your Google Container Registry:
bashdocker push
Deploy the worker service as a Cloud Run job (not a service) in your preferred region:
bashgcloud run jobs deploy litmus-worker --region YOUR_REGION --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
4.2. API Service:
Build the API service Docker image (from the
directory):bashdocker build -t .
Push the API image to your Google Container Registry:
bashdocker push
Deploy the API service to Cloud Run:
bashgcloud run deploy litmus-api --image --region YOUR_REGION --allow-unauthenticated --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
4.3. Update Service URL Secret:
Once the API service is deployed, get its URL:
bashgcloud run services describe litmus-api --region YOUR_REGION --format='value(status.url)' --project YOUR_PROJECT_ID
Add this URL as a version to the "litmus-service-url" secret:
bashgcloud secrets versions add litmus-service-url --data-file=- <<EOF YOUR_API_SERVICE_URL EOF
5. Deploy UI (Optional)
- The UI code is in the
directory. You can host it using any web server (e.g., Nginx, Apache). - Make sure the UI is configured to connect to the deployed API service URL (from the "litmus-service-url" secret).
Using Litmus
- Access UI: If you deployed the UI, navigate to its URL.
- Login: Use "admin" as the username and the password you set in step 3.1.
- Create Templates: Define your test request templates, including pre/post requests and LLM evaluation prompts.
- Submit Runs: Initiate test runs using your templates.
- Analyze Results: Explore and analyze the detailed results, including LLM-based assessments.
Proxy Service Setup
- Refer to the Proxy Service Documentation for detailed instructions on deploying and utilizing the Litmus proxy to monitor LLM interactions.
- Modify environment variables during deployments to customize settings such as AI models, regions, and authentication (see
This comprehensive guide will help you set up and utilize Litmus for evaluating and testing your LLMs.