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Test Run Template

The "Test Run" template in Litmus is designed for executing a set of independent test cases against your AI model, primarily focusing on single-turn interactions where you provide an input and expect a specific output. Each test case is treated as an isolated unit, and the results are evaluated individually.


A "Test Run" template in Litmus consists of the following key components:

  • Template ID: A unique identifier for your template.
  • Template Data: An array of test cases, each containing:
    • Query: The input to your AI model.
    • Response: The expected output or "golden answer" from your AI model.
    • Filter (optional): Comma-separated keywords or categories to organize and filter test cases.
    • Source (optional): A source identifier for the test case.
    • Block (optional): A boolean (true/false) indicating whether this test case should be excluded from the run.
    • Category (optional): A category or label for the test case.
  • Request Payload: A JSON object defining the structure of the request sent to the AI model. It includes placeholders for dynamic values from your test cases, typically using curly braces notation (e.g., {query}).
  • Pre-Request and Post-Request (optional): JSON objects defining optional requests to be executed before and after the main test request, respectively. These are useful for setting up or cleaning up your testing environment.
  • LLM Evaluation Prompt (optional): A prompt guiding the LLM in assessing the similarity between the actual responses and the golden responses. This allows for a more nuanced evaluation beyond simple equality checks.
  • Input and Output Field Selection: Specifies the exact fields within the request and response payloads to use as input and output for the test cases and LLM assessment.


The primary purpose of a "Test Run" template is to:

  • Automate testing of various inputs: Efficiently run numerous test cases against your AI model without manual intervention.
  • Verify expected behavior: Ensure your model responds as intended for a range of input queries.
  • Identify inconsistencies and regressions: Detect deviations from the expected outputs, highlighting potential issues or regressions in your model.
  • Facilitate model improvement: Use the results to refine your model's training data or adjust its parameters.


Good Use Cases

  • Unit testing individual model functionalities: Verify the accuracy and consistency of specific model capabilities, such as question answering, text summarization, or translation.
  • Regression testing after model updates: Ensure that changes to your model haven't introduced unintended consequences or broken existing functionalities.
  • Benchmarking model performance against different datasets: Compare your model's performance on various test sets to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Bad Use Cases

  • Multi-turn conversations or dialogues: "Test Run" templates are not suitable for testing conversational flows as each test case is independent and lacks context from previous turns. Use "Test Missions" for this purpose.
  • Testing model behavior that requires state or context: If your model's output depends on previous interactions or user-specific information, "Test Run" templates might not be appropriate.

Starting a Test Run


  1. Get your RUN_ID and TEMPLATE_ID.
  2. Run the following litmus CLI command:
    litmus start $TEMPLATE_ID $RUN_ID

API (Simple)

  1. Construct a JSON payload with the following information:
      "run_id": "your-unique-run-id",
      "template_id": "your-template-id"
  2. Send a POST request to the /submit_run_simple endpoint of the Litmus API.

API (Advanced)

  1. Construct a JSON payload with the following information:
      "run_id": "your-unique-run-id",
      "template_id": "your-template-id",
      "pre_request": { ... }, // Optional
      "post_request": { ... }, // Optional
      "test_request": { ... }
  2. Send a POST request to the /submit_run endpoint of the Litmus API.


  1. Navigate to the "Start New Run" page.
  2. Select your "Test Run" template from the dropdown.
  3. Enter your RUN_ID.
  4. Review and modify the request payload if needed.
  5. Submit the run.


Add template via the UI

You can configure various aspects of a "Test Run" template in the UI, including:

  1. Modifying the Template Data: In the Test Cases tab, define or update test cases by adding or removing data items. Each test case item requires a query and an expected response. You can optionally provide additional data like Filter, Source, Block, and Category for each test case item.
  2. Modifying the Request Payload: In the Request Payload tab, modify the Request Payload to match your API requirements by using the built-in JSON editor. Use placeholders (e.g., {query}) for dynamic values from your test cases or missions.
  3. Defining or updating the Pre-Request and Post-Request: Navigate to the Pre-Request and Post-Request tabs and use the built-in JSON editor to define or update the pre-request and post-request payloads.
  4. Crafting the LLM Evaluation Prompt: In the LLM Evaluation Prompt tab, enter your prompt in the text area.
  5. Selecting the appropriate Input Field and Output Field:
    • Click on the "Input Field" button. A drawer will open displaying the "Request Payload" as a JSON Tree. Click on the node representing the field you want to use as input.
    • Click on the "Output Field" button. Before selecting an output field, you need to run the request to get an example response. Once you have an example response, a drawer will open displaying the "Response Payload" as a JSON Tree. Click on the node representing the field you want to use as output for the assessment.


Let's say you're testing a language translation model. A test case might involve a query in English ("Hello, world!") and its expected translation in Spanish ("¡Hola, mundo!"). You'd define the Request Payload to include the English query as {query}, and the model's response would be compared to the expected Spanish translation.

Restarting and Deleting

  • Restart: You can restart a "Test Run" by sending a POST request to the /invoke_run endpoint with the RUN_ID and TEMPLATE_ID or by using the UI's restart button.
  • Delete: Delete a "Test Run" by sending a DELETE request to the /delete_run/<run_id> endpoint or by using the UI's delete button.

Additional Information

  • The results of each test case, including the LLM assessment, are stored in Firestore.
  • You can filter and analyze test run results using the UI or by querying the Firestore database directly.
  • Consider organizing your test cases using the optional Filter and Category fields for better management and analysis.

Disclaimer: This is not an officially supported Google product.