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What is Litmus?

Litmus is a comprehensive, AI-powered testing and evaluation platform designed to empower developers building and deploying LLM-powered applications. It provides the tools and insights needed to ensure the reliability, performance, and safety of generative AI solutions.

The Challenges of LLM Testing

Testing LLM-powered applications presents unique challenges compared to traditional software testing:

  • Non-deterministic Outputs: LLMs can produce varied outputs for identical inputs, making traditional testing methods unreliable.
  • Difficulty in Defining "Correctness": Evaluating LLM outputs often involves subjective judgments and nuanced assessments of quality, relevance, and context.
  • Potential for Biases, Hallucinations, and Safety Issues: LLMs can inherit biases from training data, generate factually incorrect information, or produce harmful content, requiring careful scrutiny and mitigation strategies.

Litmus: A Comprehensive Solution

Litmus LLM Testing

Litmus addresses these challenges with a suite of features designed to streamline the testing and evaluation process:

1. Flexible Test Templates:

  • Create reusable test templates with various parameters and inputs to cover diverse scenarios.
  • Define evaluation criteria and metrics tailored to your specific application requirements.

2. Automated Test Execution:

  • Submit test runs using templates and provide test data, automating the execution process.
  • Monitor progress and receive notifications upon completion.

3. Detailed Result Analysis:

  • Visualize detailed results with clear pass/fail indicators and LLM assessments.
  • Gain insights into model performance, identify areas for improvement, and track progress over time.

4. Proxy Service for Enhanced Monitoring:

  • Capture and analyze LLM interactions through a proxy service.
  • Explore proxy logs to understand LLM usage patterns, debug issues, and optimize performance.

5. AI-Powered Evaluation:

  • Leverage AI-powered tools to assess the quality, relevance, and safety of LLM outputs.
  • Detect biases, identify hallucinations, and ensure the responsible use of your AI models.

Benefits of Using Litmus

Litmus empowers GenAI developers with:

  • Increased Confidence: Build robust LLM applications with comprehensive testing and AI-powered evaluations.
  • Faster Development Cycles: Streamline testing workflows with automated execution and intuitive result analysis.
  • Reduced Risk: Identify and mitigate potential issues like biases and hallucinations early in development.
  • Improved Performance: Track LLM performance metrics and optimize your applications for efficiency.

Getting Started with Litmus

Ready to take your GenAI development to the next level? Visit our Getting Started page to get started with Litmus today!

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